Player 1 |
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Ayo Ayo
>Will: EILOPWY 8D YOWIE +30 30
>Ayo: AAHY 7D AYAH +38 38
>Will: ACGLPRW 6F GAWP +31 61
#note A lot of points to sacrifice here with GAWP vs WARP or WAG, but the combination of putting the W in the column H TWS lane (much harder to hit than R and a little bit harder than G) and retaining a more flexible bingo leave with an R in it for RAYAH were very appealing attributes. Sim thinks WAG and GAWP are nearly identical in valuation.
>Ayo: COP D4 COP.. +24 62
>Will: CEFILOR H1 REFLO. +39 100
>Will: CEIIOOU (challenge) +5 105
>Ayo: ALNTU 3H .LAUNT +20 82
>Will: CEIIOOU -IIOOU +0 105
>Ayo: MZ 5C M.Z +28 110
>Will: CEEEIMO 4K MOE +20 125
#note Couldn't stomach playing this at 2J, making a huge scoring spot along row 1, and did not like the scary double-double lane created by L1 MONIE. MOZ looks like it could leave good bingo tiles, but it could also simply reflect consonant heaviness, a part of his range that does extremely well after 2J MOE. So I definitely prefer row 4 plays, including mine; but apparently the leave of CEIO is two points better than the leave of CEEI, and sim says that 4J EME and MEE do in fact perform better than 4K MOE by a small margin (about 1.5 points). Oddly, even though EME, MEE, and MOE all bingo approximately the same amount for me next turn, MEE and EME average 39 points on my next turn to MOE's 35. As far as I can tell, this is because MOE forming NO under FLAUNT allows for overlapping plays on row 2 forming ONO, which is completely safe with both Ms out; whereas MEE forms NE, allowing overlaps with ANE and ENE, and sometimes I get a huge counter to the triple after plays like that.
>Ayo: V K2 V.. +8 118
>Will: ACEEEIS 7I EE +8 133
#note Really tough choice to play this or to block with I1 EEL, especially after VUM. I think there are many situations in which I'd prefer EEL, but figured perhaps there might be more situations than usual where I'm actually ahead of him here in leave strength.
>Ayo: AEINRRT 9H TRAINER +61 179
>Will: ACDEIIS O4 CADIES +44 177
>Ayo: ?DEGRUU L8 U.aRGUED +74 253
>Will: ADINOST N5 DIAT.ONS +75 252
>Ayo: BEILL 15G BILLE. +27 280
>Will: ?BDHIKT 11K B.I.K +22 274
#note Saw DHIKR, but overlooked KHUD, another reasonable option. The idea of BRINK is to hopefully draw a bingo somewhere, to the R or E of REFLOW or maybe a seven hooking ETH - but it also threatens huge KH- plays at O11 with common vowel draws. It sims a smidge behind DHIKR and KHUD, but CP picks BRINK over them both.
>Ayo: EIOSX 1K OXIES +69 349
>Will: ?DFHJOT O11 .HOJa +75 349
#note The plan worked, but OXIES hurt.
>Ayo: AANNRUV 2E VAN. +9 358
#note Brutal situation for Ayo here - actual rack. Impossible to score much, and hard to figure out how to handle the Q - should he try to draw it himself, since he has the last U, or should he hope to avoid it? Sim calls for 14D URVA or 14C VARNA; URVA scores well and creates another place to score, which might be useful to him. It also keeps an A, which is nice, because even though it burns his U, he would have 8K Q(U)A(TE) available. VARNA doesn't give much back and keeps the valuable U to pair with Q draws; something ending in -QUE on row 2 would be bad news for me, for example.
>Will: DEFOQTT 13I TOQ.E +30 379
#note Feeling lucky to have the U stay open, but the unseen tiles look excellent, and TOQUE creates a really easy place to bingo ending in S (hooking ST) or an E. Unfortunately, I just autopiloted this move, and failed to look for the best play of 8K QUOTE. TOQUE dramatically increases Ayo's bingo chances - Quackle estimates over 35%, compared to single digits after QUOTE. A couple other plays leaving QO like 14K FET and 1F TERF are also Quackle picks over TOQUE, just because they don't yield those easy bingos.
>Ayo: N N1 .N +4 362
>Will: DEFIIRT 12H FIT +14 393
#note Very lucky he didn't have a winning bingo there. The best sequence was 12F REFIT threatening multiple outs, including 6B DIP, but I was out of time.
>Ayo: AGNRSTU 10B TARGUNS +65 427
>Ayo: AGNRSTU -- -65 362
>Will: DEIR 11E DIRE +15 408
>Will: (AGNRSTU) +16 424