Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jvc jvc
#player2 Terry Terry
>jvc: AAABEGL 8D GALABEA +74 74
>Terry: AMTT 7G MATT +26 26
>jvc: DEEFIOO K2 FOODIE +27 101
#note 9B FOODIE is a better placement.
>Terry: EHLOSST 6A HOSTELS +69 95
>jvc: DELNOQZ L1 ZENDO +66 167
>Terry: CIO 1L .OIC +45 140
>jvc: AELNQUV A6 .AVEN +33 200
>Terry: HPY 3I PH..Y +32 172
>jvc: IKLOQUU F2 QUIL. +34 234
>Terry: AIJ 5B JAI +23 195
>jvc: ?EIKOTU F8 .EUKOTIc +65 299
>Terry: AX 9H AX +40 235
>jvc: CIIINVW 15F .IVIC +27 326
>Terry: FPR 4D FR.P +30 265
>Terry: FPR -- -30 235
>jvc: DEEINWW 4D WE.D +28 354
>Terry: FMPRU M5 FRUMP +23 258
>jvc: DEILNRW 11B WRIN.LED +82 436
>Terry: OS B9 SO. +14 272
>jvc: AAENNNU 12H NANUA +18 454
>Terry: BY K11 B.Y +16 288
>jvc: ?EEEGNR N9 ENGREEt +72 526
>jvc: ?EEEGNR -- -72 454
#note Man I coulda sworn I saw that somewhere.
>Terry: GR D10 R.G +8 296
>jvc: ?EEEGNR N9 ENGREEn +72 526
>jvc: ?EEEGNR -- -72 454
#note Man I coulda sworn I saw that somewhere.
>Terry: R 7A .R +12 308
>jvc: ?EEEGNR O1 .EE +5 459
#note N9 EpERGNE my dude, now I have to block her bing and I'm out of time.
>Terry: EIORSTT 3A TORT +15 323
>jvc: ?EGNR 1B GRENs +20 479
>jvc: (EIS) +6 485
Player 2
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