Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Betty Betty
>Noah: GIIIIOS -GIIIO +0 0
#note Used oldQuackle for these games. Would love to hear about new plays I missed.
>Betty: III -III +0 0
#note ex.3
>Noah: ABGIIPS 8G BIG +12 12
>Betty: CEI 9E ICE +11 11
>Noah: AIIKOPS 8A PAIKS +50 62
#note okapi 7G?
>Betty: AB F9 .AB +9 20
>Noah: AEFILOO D8 .LOOF +30 92
#note vs. OAF
>Betty: ITZ C11 TIZ +31 51
>Noah: AEIINRW 13A WI. +15 107
>Betty: MO 7F MO +11 62
>Noah: AEINRRY A12 A.RY +33 140
>Betty: AHL 6D LAH +29 91
>Noah: EEEINRU A6 RU.EE +7 147
#note BIGUINE,BURNIE too open. exch EEU a good alt here. Q likes this by a couple?
>Betty: X 10A .X +25 116
>Noah: CDEINNU B2 DUNCE +24 171
>Betty: ILLV E2 VILL. +16 132
>Noah: DEINOST 4E .ENTOIDS +70 241
>Betty: ??AEFTV 9I oVErFAT +67 199
>Noah: ADEJNOW N9 .JOWAN +64 305
>Betty: QT 13M Q.T +24 223
>Noah: DEEEERS O11 DE.ER +32 337
>Betty: AGGINNR K6 ANG.RING +70 293
>Noah: EEORSTY J6 YE +28 365
>Betty: AHR O6 HAR. +21 314
>Noah: EEOORST N5 OE +11 376
>Betty: MU C3 MU +18 332
>Noah: EIORSST 9C S.... +11 387
#note Q suggests L4 SO, which seems OK? Blocks scores.
>Betty: ADENOPU 3J POUND +25 357
>Noah: EIORSTT O1 TOST +24 411
>Betty: AE 8K .AE +12 369
>Betty: (EIR) +6 375
Player 2
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