Player 1 |
#player1 jackson jackson
#player2 judy_cole judy cole
>jackson: DEINNRT -DN +0 0
#note one day i should try not exchanging just to see what happens. 41/93 hit 7s, and I wonder how much she'll adjust and play defensively. I liked EINRT better than those prospects, but a sim disagrees by a solid 3 points
>judy_cole: AHJ H7 HAJ +26 26
>jackson: EEGINRT 10D TREEING +78 78
>judy_cole: INOP I6 PINO. +27 53
>jackson: AIINVVW D6 VIVA. +15 93
#note i'd seen judy make a lot of really nice finds like PINON all tournament! she seems to see them instantly
I liked VIVAT for defense, making it hard for her to open the bottom without scoring badly. she can fork at 8a which is gross, but hopefully doesn't happen too often. and at least forks will block the F column E floater
>judy_cole: EISZ 11I SIZE +37 90
>jackson: FIMNORW M10 FROW +34 127
#note I liked what M10 did for me - sets up an N (marginal value there, a lot of FROWN plays will give back annoying hooks so I won't play them), but it makes things generally harder to access. if she plays hooking FROW I can play on the triple and make things harder to go leftwards. playing FROW/EF gets triple-tripled on sometimes, and leaves an annoying EF hook. FROW and FROW are close in a sim so I'm happy not opening a 3x3
>judy_cole: DNORU 14J ROUND +27 117
>jackson: GIMNRST O12 MIST +34 161
#note this was the downside with FROW - board forks!
>judy_cole: ILOO J3 OLIO +12 129
>jackson: DFGNRTT 7B GR.FT +10 171
>judy_cole: CEHRU 15F RUCHE +32 161
>jackson: ADELNOT 13E TALONED +66 237
>judy_cole: OTY K5 TOY +21 182
>jackson: ABEKLTU L6 LEKU +24 261
#note TUBAL 12D is cool, taking out that lane. TALUK is also good there, but not as much.
LEKU doesn't accomplish much besides not opening anything, although it does encourage 8L plays which I want to see, cause I can block at 3I or on the N/O columns and totally kill the top right. SIZERS is hard to block so setting up an 8L play is good
>judy_cole: ELY 12F LEY +23 205
>jackson: AABDEMT 3I B.ATED +24 285
#note now proactive
>judy_cole: AEX 4L AXE +36 241
>jackson: AAMNPQR 8L .NAP +30 315
#note whoa now I have reason to be worried!
>judy_cole: AEEGINS 14E AI +12 253
>jackson: ADGMQRU N6 QU.G +34 349
#note now im fine
>judy_cole: ENW F4 NEW. +15 268
>jackson: ABCDMOR L11 .M +16 365
#note maybe CORBA(N)!
>judy_cole: ??EIISS 4A ISatI.ES +66 334
>jackson: AABCDOR 2M DOC +31 396
>judy_cole: E 6F .E +5 339
>judy_cole: (AABR) +12 351