Player 1 |
#player1 George_Viebranz George Viebranz
#player2 Pete Pete
>George_Viebranz: EEMNRTT 8G TERM +12 12
>Pete: DGHMOOU 7H HOMO +24 24
#note PZ: bit of a miss here. DOUGH is the top play, winning by 1.44% and 3.3 pts of equity (2 plies, 991 iterations). I sometime do not respect how bad a leave like DGU is. HOMO does set up DUG to clean my rack next play though, if necessary, and HOMO does have the advantage of giving up next to nothing in reply, except an S hook. My rack looks unpromising, and I didn't want to get open until I had the tiles to take advantage.
#note GV: A stronger player finds HOMODRUG in fewer than 5 seconds.
>George_Viebranz: EENNNOT 9D TENON +15 27
#note GV: I'll admit to not seeing NONE 9F (top play) but I'm glad I opened things up a bit.
>Pete: ADGKSTU 8A KAGU +33 57
#note PZ: Easy play that I took way too long to find. This tourney showed me how rusty my 3's and 4's are. Gosh I hate 4's.
#note GV: Yeah, 4s suck.
>George_Viebranz: EFINOUU 6I FUN +25 52
#note GV: Second to FEUIN(G), which I don't know. Mostly I was attracted to the leave here...NOT!
>Pete: BDEQSTT B7 Q.T +12 69
#note PZ: I was torn between B(UT)TED and QAT. Not quite as tough a decision as I made it out to be... QAT wins, BUTTED finished way back. I didn't consider BEDS L4 which finishes second, because that play seem silly to me... leaving QTT and opening, while burning the S didn't seem terribly wise.
>George_Viebranz: DEILNOU L3 LOUD +18 70
>Pete: ABDESTY 2J BEADY +40 109
#note PZ: Lucky I had the right tiles to take advantage of George's aggressive play. I did take a bit to look for a bingo, but my rack makes no 8's...
>George_Viebranz: EEGINNP A8 .EEPING +17 87
#note PZ: This play scared me on so many levels.
#note GV: That's how we do it in Cuyahoga County... I have no idea what I would have done if I thought for a second that KEEPING took the S.
>Pete: DIOSTTT M5 TIT +15 124
#note PZ: and because I'm afraid to try (KEEPING)S, watch me bleed equity. My play is too aggressive... TOT 10E makes far more sense.
>George_Viebranz: AEENNUV 1G VENA +25 112
#note GV: Duck says VEENA.
>Pete: DIJLOST 8L JILT +61 185
#note PZ: I score 61 easy points, while losing almost 40 points in equity on this play, without missing a bingo... that's an accomplishment. SLOJD for 108 woulda been nice.
#note GV: Oh, awesome, I was hoping something like that would happen.
>George_Viebranz: AEELNRU 3L .EAN +19 131
#note GV: Not even close. Blanked on JUREL.
>Pete: DDIOSSZ 9K DOS +20 205
#note PZ: I considered trying something at A15 a couple of times, but felt that the game situation made it inadvisable, as I really thought it would go off the board. I chose DOS over ODS for defensive purposes... I felt like this board could be shut down in a couple of moves.
>George_Viebranz: AEEFLRU 10J FEE +27 158
#note GV: Another whiff. Not too bad though, this is third to JOULE and JOUAL.
>Pete: ADHISSZ 14A .HAZIS +42 247
#note PZ: and another 40+ point miss. NASA will have my final missed equity calculation shortly. GHAZIS is the best non 15A play, and it cleans my rack nicely.
#note GV: I couldn't tell if playing the S was for rack balance, points or defense. Anyway, I didn't like this one going down.
>George_Viebranz: AGLRSU? 11I GAL +21 179
#note GV: There are at least 9 plays here that score at least 60 points. Didn't remember PLAGUERS, didn't know VULGARS. And again, didn't know KEEPING took the S. SAG 15A is best. It broke my heart to make this play, I wanted that double-double more than anything.
>Pete: ACDPRRS C12 CR.P +16 263
#note PZ: I thought that George's last play might signal an X for a big play from H11. Unfortunately, I had a bad rack to block with there while putting score pressure on. Still bleeding from 15A.
>George_Viebranz: ?ARSUWY 3D RUnWAYS +75 254
#note GV: Ugh. Chickened out on THRUWAYS for an assload more and a better board.
>Pete: ?ADRRSX E11 RAD.X +26 289
#note PZ. The X? draw was a relief... I felt like I could outrun, even if I couldn't build a bingo rack. RADIX is best of the non 15A plays, and actually wins sim, probably because the 15A play is now uniquely available to me...
>George_Viebranz: ILIAEEI -EIII +0 254
>Pete: ?CIRRSW 12C .R.W +18 307
#note PZ: Again, best of the non 15A plays. Didn't want to draw a bunch with that bag, and I felt like my tiles could stand a double I, if it happened.
>George_Viebranz: ABELO H11 EBOLA +35 289
#note GV: Shrug.
>Pete: ?CEEIRS O8 .RISCElE +86 393
#note PZ: I held EBOLA, and I knew it was 99% no good. I also saw that GV emptied the bag, and really ugly rack, that I'd be liable to draw after my bingo had I challenged. Seeing multiple bingoes, and no benefit to challenging, I let it go and played out. Of course, SIP 15A beats my outbongo in equity.
>Pete: (IIIIOOV) +20 413