Player 1 |
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Peter Peter
>Will: AELNOTU 8H OU +4 4
>Peter: EY 7I YE +18 18
>Will: AELNPTT K5 PANTLET +92 96
>Will: AELNPTT -- -92 4
#note Was getting set to play OUTLEAPT when I somehow talked myself into this being good. Not completely outrageous given PANTLER/PANTLEG and MANTLET/GANTLET, but I feel like I knew this wasn't good and managed to convince myself to play it because I wanted it to be.
>Peter: IQ 9G QI +23 41
>Will: AELNPTT J1 PANTEL.T +67 71
>Will: AELNPTT -- -67 4
#note This, on the other hand, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around - I knew there was a high probability P word that could do both A or E as its middle vowel, and I just could not come up with it in game, so I figured it must be this. Nope, PANETELA is what I was going for. I'm trying to be better about my response to making mistakes lately, but I was pretty dejected after this; this sort of word knowledge botch isn't something I think of myself as ever doing, and I was embarrassed.
>Peter: EEORSTT K5 ROSETTE +84 125
>Will: AELNPTT 6J P.T +21 25
>Peter: AILNV 10D ANVIL +30 155
>Will: ABELNTZ D7 ABL.ZE +40 65
#note Missed D8 ZEALANT
>Peter: MO E10 .OM +36 191
>Will: EEGHINT M3 THEEING +84 149
>Peter: ?AEGUVY C1 VAGUElY +93 284
>Will: ?AEKNRT E1 TANKERs +75 224
#note THANKER scores one more same spot. Feels funny to comment on errors like this after the start of the game.
>Peter: AADIIRS F2 RAID +22 306
>Will: DDFIILR C12 FID +22 246
>Peter: ISX 15A XIS +38 344
>Will: BDILPRT 12K DRIPT +27 273
>Peter: AW 8M .AW +18 362
>Will: BDLLSSW M11 W.LD +16 289
>Peter: CEOO 14I COOE. +10 372
>Will: BCLORSS 2A SC.L.. +16 305
#note Just trying to make something happen. Actually almost did SCALARS to create multiple lanes, even if both are highly unlikely to be useful to me.
>Peter: IO A1 I.O +9 381
>Will: BEJMORS L1 JOES +50 355
#note Tanked for most of the rest of my time trying to come up with a reasonable winning pathway here and gave up and did this, hoping that the R would play with RYAS. I was very close to playing JOE to setup SJOE but with three As and an O unseen there's almost no way it ever stays open as Pete just simply parallels and blocks for a boatload of points. However, in those rare occasions that he doesn't have those vowels, it's unblockable, so I probably have to do that and pray for a crazy AAAO-filled bag. Quackle wants N1 BROMES setting up JUBA draws but that will never work.
>Peter: AEN 1L .EAN +33 414
>Will: BEGMNRU 3E ..B +8 363
#note If I'm honest, with under a minute left here I was fishing for MURGEON which I thought was gonna play along column B - realized after I actually drew it that UL* is not a word. Quackle thinks I'm drawing dead here, though it assigns some win% to 4B BURKING which, while a nice play, seems like it can't ever win.
>Peter: AAFHINR B5 FARINHA +87 501
#note Well, BURKING at least blocks this. Oof. Can't really complain though.
>Will: EGMNORU A8 GEUM +41 404
>Peter: U 5B ..U.. +9 510
>Peter: (NOR) +6 516