Player 1 |
#player1 jvc jvc
#player2 Will Will
>jvc: IIIINOT -IIIIO +0 0
#note Keeping an I is probably slightly better because I just threw 3 back.
>Will: BEEINNY 8H BENNY +28 28
#note W: All comments Josh except when I mark W. Could also do INBYE here which is a smidge better on defense and bingos 10% more.
>jvc: ?LMNOTU 9C MOULTeN +69 69
>jvc: CEHJLVW (challenge) +5 74
>Will: EEGIOTW 8A WOE +22 50
#note W: Chosen over TOWIE, OWE etc. to cover the giant spot; could've also played at 8D, but seemed too closed at a deficit.
>jvc: CEHJLVW 7C WELCH +33 107
>Will: EEGIPQT J6 QI. +32 82
>jvc: AAEIJUV L4 JIVE. +36 143
>Will: DEEGLPT H8 ..PELTED +39 121
>Will: EFGNOTV (challenge) +5 126
>jvc: AAAAORU -AAAOU +0 143
#note It was very close between this or M2 AUA.
>Will: EFGNOTV M1 VEGO +25 151
>jvc: AELNRSX 1M .EX +39 182
>Will: AFFIINT 2K FI.F +30 181
>jvc: AHLNPRS 14B SHRAPN.L +88 270
>Will: ABEINRT 11F AT.BRINE +70 251
>Will: ABEINRT -- -70 181
#note W: To be honest I was hoping to sneak this one by; no hesitation from Josh.
>jvc: AADOSSU J11 AUAS +22 292
>jvc: DGIKOSZ (challenge) +5 297
#note Apparently SHRAPNEL does not take an S in TWL.
>Will: ABEINRT 7I B. +15 196
>jvc: DGIKOSZ 15A ZO +35 332
#note 13C SOZ. I was distracted this turn because I wasn't sure if I should try to block the row 1 or column N lines. By the time I gave up on blocking I had burnt a lot of time and played quickly.
>Will: AEINRTT 1E NITRATE +76 272
>jvc: DGIKRSU D3 KIDG. +22 354
#note C11 RUK(H)S. Again, I could not confidently chose a metric on which to base my plays and was low on time.
>Will: ADDIIMR C12 MI.A +30 302
#note W: Considered playing with JOR now, but nothing seemed palatable. The DDIR leave after MIHA combines quite poorly with the KIDGE lanes, but there are no really appealing options.
>jvc: AEOORSU 5C O.OUR +12 366
#note E1 (N)EOSOU(L) is nice. Here I was trying to kill the floating I and force bings to the N column.
>Will: DDEIIOR 2F DIED +24 326
#note W: Looked for quite a while for a way to create more space, finding nothing good and settling for the uninspiring DIED. I was fully aware that the post-DIED board would practically beg Josh to close column N and then leave me with no options. The other play I came close to doing was 12B IMIDO, which at least saves the K for miracle bingos.
>jvc: AENORSU 13F OU. +11 377
#note Now I'm just fishing cuz I'm really out of time ideas.
>Will: ACIIORY 12A CA.I +22 348
#note W: Really flailing now; I didn't want to part with my R here to play with JOR, but I probably have to; there's EEGRRTT to redraw to hook there, so odds are excellent I'll redraw a hook. I could hook it now with RICY or YARCO; the IORY leave after CAMI is just too poor for it to be a good idea.
>jvc: AAENRSS 5K A.S +15 392
#note Killing the last likely bingo line. Will had AIORRTY and just blocked himself from playing A4 RYOT(W)ARI.
>Will: AIORRTY 4L ..R +10 358
#note W: Shrug, gotta try.
>jvc: AEGNRST O4 STRANGE +89 481
>Will: ?AIORTY N10 YARTO +45 403
#note W: Fun for a second to draw the blank and dream.
>jvc: E I7 ...E +10 491
#note Looking over this game was unusually illuminating. My strategical thinking needs major improvements.
>jvc: (?I) +2 493