Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Cedric Cedric
#player2 JD JD
>Cedric: BFIIJNS H7 JIB +24 24
#note CL: Didn't miss anything obvious.
>JD: AELMORR 10F MOER +25 25
>Cedric: ?DFILNS 8H .NFIDeLS +89 113
>JD: AELNORZ N6 ZO. +32 57
>Cedric: EGHIIQU 11D GHI +18 131
#note CL: Passed on EQUID to set up another spot for high scoring Q spot. Slightly lower valuation than EQUID.
#note JD: I was planning on dropping UNREAL/JIBER. With that unavailable, I burned a lot of time on this move. The alternative is playing something fishier like NU at 12C, but AELNR is only about 15% more likely to bingo than ENR, so the sim is even between LUNA and NU. The star play is just playing ULANS (same letters, 3 more points) which I didn't spot.
>Cedric: AAEIIQU 12A QUAI +52 183
#note CL: That worked out. Phew.
>JD: DEHILNR 13B HIND +29 102
>Cedric: AEEEIMV 7G A.EE +21 204
#note CL: Considered MIEVED from L3 but I didn't want to give JD a floating E.
>JD: AEEELRT 11H RETE +24 126
#note JD: hey, he played almost the exact move I was going to play! I should probably just play REE at 11I which keeps row 12 open as a better lane, and saves a better leave.
>Cedric: DDEGIMV M7 D.MIVEG +41 245
>JD: AAEELLO 10A OLEA +11 137
#note JD: 2% to win
>Cedric: DEINTVY N12 TIVY +25 270
#note CL: I honestly didn't know what to do here. Giving the Y like that could have given him stuff like RACEWAYS, TIDEWAYS, AREAWAYS and etc. Failed to spot the safest play of VINTED from 12I. Should have done TIVY at K12 if that was the play..
>JD: CEIOPWY (challenge) +5 240
>Cedric: ?DENOOT 6A ODONaTE +65 335
#note JD: probably safer to play SNOOTED or STOODEN
>JD: CEIOPWY A3 WIC.PY +51 291
#note JD: forgot that WOOPY was good over the board (also WOOPIE)
>Cedric: ERRSSTT E2 REST.RTS +64 399
#note CL: Lucky break!
>JD: EEKNOPS D1 KENO +34 325
#note JD: wow, I convinced myself that RESPOKEN was phony and didn't play it! to be honest, I probably need to bingo out to win anyway, which is why I chose my play - it seemed to have some chance of bingoing on row 5. But maybe after RESPOKEN I can draw SACRARIA or WUXIA and steal the game.
>Cedric: AACIRUX 1A CAU. +30 429
#note CL: Decided to take out the K before JD scores 33 there.
>JD: AEFOPSW 7C FO. +21 346
#note trying to block Cedric's X plays, but if I play off FOW (WOOF, WOF) I usually go out next turn.
>Cedric: AAGIRRX N2 RAX +31 460
>JD: AEOPSW 14I OWE +31 377
#note can block his star out of AGING/GARI with SOAP at 14G
>Cedric: AGIR 14D GARI +19 479
>Cedric: (APS) +10 489
Player 2
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