Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Bob_Frey Bob Frey
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Bob_Frey: DEITTW 8D WITTED +28 28
>Joshua_Sokol: BGIMUXZ H3 GUMBI. +12 12
#note I felt like doing this, I didn't llike other options. I'm happy it worked out.
>Bob_Frey: APR 5E PRA. +16 44
>Joshua_Sokol: CIIIRXZ F8 .IX +26 38
#note interesting between TIZ and TIX. Z seems like it will improve more than the X in one or two turns
>Bob_Frey: AHOY F2 HOA.Y +27 71
>Joshua_Sokol: CIIORUZ 3B CURI. +14 52
#note setting up ZO(R)I hopefully
>Bob_Frey: NU 8B UN...... +12 83
>Joshua_Sokol: AAIINOZ D1 ZO.I +46 98
>Bob_Frey: EKN B1 NE.K +20 103
>Joshua_Sokol: AAINSSU 9H SAU +20 118
#note still phony
>Bob_Frey: AJNT B6 JA.NT +30 133
>Joshua_Sokol: AEINNOS A1 ON +14 132
#note SAU only takes an L, I kept reminding myself of that. I should probably just play A10 EONIAN
>Bob_Frey: ORS C5 SOR. +17 150
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEEINS D6 EE. +19 151
>Bob_Frey: OV 10D VO. +13 163
>Joshua_Sokol: AEILNSV K7 VALINES +74 225
>Bob_Frey: ?GIMOSY 12F MISOG.nY +78 241
>Bob_Frey: ?GIMOSY -- -78 163
#note Bob is an intimidating player, but not enough to get this by me.
>Joshua_Sokol: DDEEFRT 12H FRE.D +26 251
#note this is an 11-point mistake as per Quackle but it's likely worse because it makes his play super easy to find instead of forcing him to see a bingo. I could play J12 DEFT but I wasn't sure if it gave Bob anything. FET(E)D is also better but I wanted to make the board more difficult.
>Bob_Frey: ?GIMOSY H12 .OGY +33 196
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEGITT D10 .ATTED +24 275
>Bob_Frey: LMO 10J M.LO +22 218
>Joshua_Sokol: EFGIRRW 15A FRI.GE +33 308
>Bob_Frey: ?ACEIQS N4 CAIQuES +80 298
#note Bob needs to play 8K (A)QuAE and force me to make a tough decision to block and perhaps lose too much in the process.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ELNORW 14F WO. +28 336
#note 9M W(E)N sims best to block things like DIPT for 46 which lead to a ton of very close endgames that could go either way.
>Bob_Frey: AHI E10 .HIA +28 326
>Joshua_Sokol: ?BELNPR 3H .RaPLE +18 354
#note -3 to P(E)N 9M, but much surer of a win from my perspective, and since I knew Bob hadn't played in tourneys much recently I thought he might challenge.
>Bob_Frey: ADEELT L1 DE.ATE +18 344
>Joshua_Sokol: BN 9M B.N +15 369
>Joshua_Sokol: (L) +2 371
Player 2
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