Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mike_B Mike B
#player2 Carl Carl
>Mike_B: EILOOST H3 STOOLIE +66 66
>Carl: GHINOTW 3C TOWNI.H +36 36
#note The only way I lose the tournament is if he wins by 250 points. By scoring now and burning a lot of tiles without opening anything big, I minimize the chances of this happening. This is why I forwent superior plays like HOW and SHOWING (with its volatile S-hook). Besides which, TOWNISH might draw a challenge.
>Mike_B: BILP 4A BLIP +32 98
>Carl: ADGILRS 5G G.LIARDS +70 106
>Mike_B: EIJV L1 JIVE. +46 144
>Carl: ?EIMNTW M5 .oWNTIME +68 174
#note The last thing I wanted to do was make the board more volatile than it already is, but this was the only bingo I saw, and in fact, it is the only bingo. There really are no other options.
>Mike_B: EEF 1L .EFE +42 186
>Carl: ADEEIRT A2 RE.AITED +83 257
>Mike_B: AANQT L10 QANAT +47 233
>Carl: EINRRVY 9G V.RY +15 272
#note I spent forever on this rack. ENVY L8 scores, but it leaves garbage. I rather wanted to keep the Y for something from N1-N6, but I couldn't think of what. VERY doesn't effectively close anything down because of its E-hook, but at least it unloads my three least usable letters. ENVY wins the sim by 4 points.
>Mike_B: ELOOSTU 15I OUTSOLE +90 323
>Carl: EEINRRU 2J UR.NE +26 298
#note This is a toss-up between the leave after URINE J2 and the slight positional advantage + 3 points after RUINER J2.
>Mike_B: AFX B6 FAX +45 368
>Carl: CEEIORS 7D CREO.ISE +62 360
#note Missing CO(OP)ERIES!
>Mike_B: AGMY 8K MA.GY +40 408
>Carl: AABKPUU E5 BU.KA +22 382
#note A toss-up between trading seven, BURKA, or BAP K11. This rack is like pocket jacks: three ways to play, and none of them are any good.
>Mike_B: ?DNO 13I DON.s +40 448
#note Oh well, at least his seventh consecutive 40+ wasn't CANZONA(s), which was one of the reasons I rather wanted to play BAP.
>Carl: ADEGOPU K11 DO.U. +29 411
#note Best.
>Mike_B: ACHINRZ D9 ZINC +41 489
>Carl: AEGP 12F PAGE +12 423
#note Whoops, GAPE in the same spot for the extra point. This game brought my average for the tournament down to a meager 494.3 per game.
>Carl: (AHR) +12 435
Player 2
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