Player 1 |
#player1 Polly_Moyer Polly Moyer
#player2 Noah Noah
>Polly_Moyer: EPY 8G YEP +16 16
>Noah: ADEHOSU I6 OU.H +14 14
#note ODAH is better. Couldn't find plays overlapping YEP :-(.
>Polly_Moyer: ?DEELNT G1 TENDErL. +63 79
#note She didn't know OUPHE.
>Noah: ?ADEJSU 1B ADJUS.Er +119 133
>Polly_Moyer: EX J5 EX +50 129
>Noah: CEIKRWW 5C WICK.R +30 163
#note Somehow didn't realize WRICK played at 4I, despite seeing WRICK and REX. Didn't kno WRICKED or DICKER and wasn't sure about WICKED.
>Polly_Moyer: HO K5 HO +30 159
>Noah: BEFINQW D4 Q. +22 185
>Polly_Moyer: EF J9 EF +18 177
>Noah: BEFINRW 4K WIFER +33 218
#note DUDE! I totally thought this was good. FIB 11J sims better.
>Polly_Moyer: BIO 3L BIO +26 203
>Noah: ABILNRT K8 BRANT +25 243
#note Stupid miss of BRAIL here. Quackle likes ALB B1 best. Hmm. I guess I like it-opens up a decent spot which your opponent can't play at with 6 or more letters starting with A, so gives me good bingo chances.
>Polly_Moyer: AEPS O4 .APES +21 224
>Noah: EILTTVV 12H VIT.LE +26 269
>Polly_Moyer: IU C1 .UI +8 232
>Noah: AILNTTV M9 VAL.T +24 293
#note I love VINEAL a lot in this situation. Unfortunately, I didn't know it. She OBVIOUSLY has a great rack with an S, and VINEAL really shuts down the board-and makes it hard to open. It had a great chance of winning, I think.
>Polly_Moyer: OZ 10M .ZO +32 264
>Noah: AINOORT 2L ORT +23 316
#note This is an awful play I think. I don't know what was going through my head when I declined V plays-they make most of her bingos score less, and, in this case, would have nullified any bingos she had at all. This is clearly a game losing play.
>Polly_Moyer: CDEIIST 14H DICIEST +91 355
>Noah: AEIINOO H10 IN.A.E +30 346
>Polly_Moyer: ADLY 15E LAY.D +12 367
>Noah: INOOORU 11D ONIO. +10 356
#note Unfortunately, I had underscored ADJUSTEr by 18 at the beginning of the game, an error we didn't correct until the end. Therefore, I made this desperation RONION setup, hoping for a bingo. Quackle's favorite is SNOOK F1, which I agree with.
>Polly_Moyer: AMN 14D NAM +23 390
>Noah: AEGGORU C10 GRUE +16 372
#note This is a bad play. That's because I didn't think GONION was a word. I was pretty sure it was only GONIUM. Schucks. GOUGER C8 is better by 9 points.
>Polly_Moyer: AGMNRS 12B G.M +20 410
#note Wasn't sure of GRUM.
>Noah: AGO 6A AGO +13 385
>Noah: (ANRS) +8 393