Player 1 |
#player1 Kevin_Bowerman Kevin Bowerman
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Kevin_Bowerman: AHT 8G HAT +12 12
>Ryan_Fischer: ADINNOS 9F DINO +18 18
#note NODI
>Kevin_Bowerman: EFPR 10G PERF +31 43
#note PERF is bogus. Whoops.
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEJNSZ K5 ZANJES +54 72
#note Wow, both of these are bogus. It's ZANJA/S.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ADY L4 DAY +30 73
>Ryan_Fischer: AANOSTT 11A ANATTOS +73 145
>Kevin_Bowerman: DIMT A11 .DMIT +30 103
>Ryan_Fischer: ?GIOSUU C5 OUGUIy.S +61 206
#note Need an E or X for EXIGUOUS, too. The only other thing is BIJUGOUS, which I didn't remember.
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEST 8K .EATS +39 142
>Ryan_Fischer: GILOOTW J6 WO +32 238
#note Holy crap: O1 TWIGLOO(S) 92. And I've seen TWIGLOO before, and blanked on it.
>Kevin_Bowerman: UX B6 XU +53 195
>Ryan_Fischer: GIILOTV M3 VIG +30 268
#note Close to VITILIGO, the only thing there.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ACEH D11 .HECA +32 227
>Ryan_Fischer: CIILOOT J10 .OLIC +16 284
#note Champ says (A)IOLI. I considered it, but thought it gave too much back. There are a couple places to bingo, but they're hard to hit. Didn't want to make it easier. Hard to say if (F)OLIC does this or not. Depends on how I feel about my opponent's ability to find 8s.
>Kevin_Bowerman: EMO B13 MOE +22 249
>Ryan_Fischer: ?IOOTUW 7F OW +26 310
#note I figure with the blank in tow now, I can open up just fine, and worst case scenario is we exchange bingos. (Actually worst case is he bingos and I whiff, but what are the odds of that OMG knock on wood.)
>Kevin_Bowerman: EFR A7 FER +25 274
>Ryan_Fischer: ?EIOQTU O1 QUIxOTE. +98 408
#note QUOITEr(S) is 101. CSW; didn't know it.
>Kevin_Bowerman: EEKN 15D .KENE +27 301
>Ryan_Fischer: BEGILRV E5 GIVE +25 433
#note Champ says E5 VERB 24. With no Os, this is fine.
>Kevin_Bowerman: AEPR D2 APER +16 317
>Ryan_Fischer: BDILNRY 2B BL.DY +38 471
>Ryan_Fischer: BIINR (challenge) +5 476
#note Best static. Champ says to fish off the R for R(APER) at D1.
>Kevin_Bowerman: ELLR 13J .LLER +10 327
>Ryan_Fischer: BIINR 1F BRIN +25 501
>Kevin_Bowerman: ANR 14F RAN +13 340
>Kevin_Bowerman: (I) +2 342