Player 1 |
#player1 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
#player2 Q Q
>Evan_Yurko: AINNRTU H7 NUTRIA +14 14
#note Game with myself, and doing double commentary, with double tracking and an actual clock. q hates me here (As I suspected and wants me to either exchange nu of play nu, I like this better though
>Q: EFJNRUY 11H .NJURY +32 32
#note I guess 10F jury is slightly better, not worth in to keep the fnu leave after jerry for 9 more, this is 2nd best
>Evan_Yurko: ACDHINX L11 .ADIX +42 56
#note best by far
>Q: BDEEEFO 15H FEDE. +48 80
#note Did not know feedbox (-17), this is 20 points better the the next candidate
>Evan_Yurko: AACHLNN K7 CANN.LA +14 70
#note I hugely overreacted here, M10 hyla clearly best (-11)
>Q: AABEEOP 14H OBA +21 101
#note did not see japed, this is 2nd (-4)
>Evan_Yurko: EHOQRTV 8K .VERT +36 106
#note This has got to better than qat of quota right?, sim seems to think so
#note Didn't like pee closing the board at the even scores now. M3 apiece is clearly best, but didn't like the ee leave with all the e's i's and o's out, but at the same time 2 blanks and RRRSSSSTTTT (-2)
>Evan_Yurko: EHMOQWZ 3G QO.H +28 134
#note Shit, missed whom H1 for 61, got tunnelvision on the q, should take more time (-22)
>Evan_Yurko: DEMRTWZ 5H M.ZE +30 164
#note quite a few things are better than this, like N4 mew and 13J w(ad)der. Also If i'm gonna play this, I should play this at 4L becasue it keeps the board open, when I'm down 13 and a turn (-8)
>Q: HILMOTW N4 HOW +37 214
#note best
>Evan_Yurko: ADGIRTW 4C TRAGI +23 187
#note Yuck, did I just miss wadi?
>Q: ?IKLMST E3 M.STLIKe +76 290
#note only bingo, best
>Evan_Yurko: ?DEFIVW 10B WIV.D +23 210
#note setting up a last attemp s hook, sim likes F8 dif (-3)
#note lucky
>Evan_Yurko: ?EEFLNO C6 OLEF.NEs +80 290
#note best, only bingo
>Q: AAEGIOT 3B TEA. +18 400
#note I knew many things were better than this, but I knw this would keep my opponent (me) from bingoing back, I forgot to check the bag, and alos forgot to check if there was any n's out for fedexing I could draw, which is pat of the reason I chose this. F9 adagio is best (-8)
>Evan_Yurko: EGIIPSY L1 YIPES +44 334
#note best endgame, saving gadi 13J
>Q: ADGIOO 1L .OGA +24 424
#note 13J gadoid is best, (-5)
>Evan_Yurko: GI 13J G..I +17 351
#note best! interesting game
>Evan_Yurko: (DIO) +8 359