Player 1 |
#player1 q q
#player2 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
>q: ?EFIOTV 8C OVErFIT +82 82
>Evan_Yurko: EEITWWY D8 .IEWY +28 28
#note best
>q: AEERRTU E11 EAU +21 103
>Evan_Yurko: CDEINTW 9C W.T +21 49
#note best, to my surprise, this leave goes nicely with the t
>q: AAERRST 9I ERRATAS +62 165
>Evan_Yurko: ACDEINO M7 CA.ENOID +78 127
#note BAAAAD. terrible miss of diocesan and codeinas, 3rd
>q: EEHINSZ 8L H.ZE +86 251
#note This is why diocesan/codeinas was such a big miss
>Evan_Yurko: EGIOORU 14J GOO.IE +24 151
#note best
>q: EIILNPS 15D SPLENII +83 334
>Evan_Yurko: ?BDRSTU O11 TUB.D +27 178
#note O1 subtrad(es) and 11G subtre(n)d, neither of which I knew, this is 3rd
>q: DGIMOOP L12 GO.P +28 362
>Evan_Yurko: ?AENRSU O1 SAUtERN.. +74 252
#note YAY I FOUND A 9. unfortunely usernames is 3 more, but this sets up the s on row , 2nd
>q: DIMMOOR 7B OM +18 380
>Evan_Yurko: ABCEJLN A5 JANE +38 290
#note banjo is best, 2nd
>q: DDILMOR B4 DOD. +26 406
>Evan_Yurko: ABCLNOR C1 CAROB +33 323
#note best
>q: IILMRRU 1C .ILIUM +33 439
>Evan_Yurko: AFKLNTX N8 ..X +60 383
#note best
>q: EGHINRR 2G HERRING +72 511
>Evan_Yurko: AFKLNST D4 TSK +35 418
#note At least I got the endgame right, this saves final K1, which q will have to play qat 7H
>q: AELQTVY 7H QAT +28 539
>Evan_Yurko: AFLN K1 F.NAL +16 434
#note bad bad bad miss of diocesan and codeinas, this game depended on that blunder, haze was brutal
>Evan_Yurko: (ELVY) +20 454