Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jackson jackson
#player2 joey joey
>jackson: AEILSSV H4 VALISES +78 78
>joey: ABKRUW 6F BU.WARK +24 24
>jackson: AIIIORT G9 TORII +12 90
#note TO(R)II, TAI(K)O, and exchanging all have fairly high valuations - TO(R)II is the sim favourite by a good deal, which makes sense. I felt that TORII had defensive merit in blocking the SES, hopefully leading to a more closed board (especially the top left). TO(R)II felt a lot more open, although short term it's just as defensive as TORII.
>joey: EFZ H13 FEZ +50 74
>jackson: AGILNPW F10 WAP +36 126
>joey: TX G5 T.X +37 111
>jackson: EGILLNQ -LQ +0 126
#note BULWARKING is of note, but a disastrously awful play
>joey: DEO 7E DO..E +24 135
>jackson: EGILMNU K6 .ELUMING +72 198
>joey: ORTY E7 .ORTY +37 172
>jackson: ?EEFJRT L3 JER. +30 228
#note J(O)T 8d is interesting because it blocks a lot of really devastating openings there - stuff like C(O)T just wrecks me.

there can still be S setups after JOT but it's much harder to make unblockable ones. I think almost everyone would take JERK immediately, especially because it partially blocks the BULWARKS hook, but I can at least see JOT being better cause of longterm defense
>joey: DDEIMOQ J11 QI +24 196
>jackson: ??EEFHT 8K .ETHE +27 255
#note looks fine, I considered FoH but that can go south. with 2 blanks in hand I doubt I'm losing even after an O column or 15 row bingo
>joey: HNO M2 NOH +35 231
>jackson: ??ACFGN O8 .fFACiNG +95 350
#note wasn't sure of CHAFFING
>joey: AAEGNST M7 S.AGNATE +72 303
#note one upside of chaffing
>jackson: DDEELPR 15J PLED +19 369
#note blocking miracle Z bingoes.

I considered R(O)D as well to block S setups, but the T hook is unideal.

An interesting idea is playing just OD/BOD, cause there aren't any setups he can really make in the pool! if he plays ROD to set up his T, I hit my P
>joey: MU 14H .MU +13 316
>jackson: DDEIORT 8D R.D +11 380
#note with the T draw I can basically end things. Joey resigned
#rack2 ACENNOO
Player 2
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