Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Karl_Higby Karl Higby
>Joshua_Sokol: AABEENR H6 ABA +10 10
#note sims 14th out of 15 static plays (-4.5)

can I tell you something about balance? It's a lie
>Karl_Higby: AAILNTV I3 VALIANT +75 75
#note forcing him to play AVENTAIL is much better
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEINRS 5H B.IN +20 30
#note I saw BLIN played earlier in the tournament. It was hooked with an S, and I thought to myself, "that's not a word, is it?". Then I played B(L)IN thinking it still didn't take an S but that I would get away with it.
>Karl_Higby: DGLOQTX 6G Q..D +25 100
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEFORS L1 FORESEE +85 115
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEFORS -- -85 30
#note I hook BLINS*, which Karl knows to challenge off (even though 2 other random people in div 1 did not know earlier in the tournament)

instead, if I hook VALIANT, Karl probably challenges.
>Karl_Higby: GLOOSTX G8 GOX +16 116
>Joshua_Sokol: EEEFORS 4I .FORE +25 55
>Karl_Higby: LNOOSTY 3K YON +24 140
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEEESV J8 EAVE +22 77
#note 10E VE(X)ES is a nice tactic but this is probably better, I also considered F10 EVE but that could be very very bad if he has good letters.
>Karl_Higby: LOORSTU F9 LOUT +19 159
#note or TOLU in the same spot.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EENPSZ 13C ZEPS +35 112
#note he seems to have an S so I would rather play this
>Karl_Higby: AHIOORS 12D HO. +26 185
#note he saw H10 ORISHA but thought this was probably better. I wouldn't have liked if he played ORISHA after Z(E)E or Z(E)P 11I last turn
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EILNRT 11H TR.ENaIL +64 176
#note LI(E)NTERy is the play here by far, totally missed it.
>Karl_Higby: AIILORS H11 .ORII +18 203
#note 10J (V)OILA is the play to find
>Joshua_Sokol: EIJMRTW O8 MEW. +27 203
#note not sure if this was my rack. If it was, N10 M(I)TIER is the play
>Karl_Higby: AEEILOS L8 LOA.EE +14 217
>Joshua_Sokol: EHIJRST M9 HE.RT +39 242
>Karl_Higby: AANPSTU 14B NAPA +36 253
#note UNAPT would possibly be an improvement
>Joshua_Sokol: CEGIIJS K13 JIG +21 263
#note this has become a fascinating position. N2 GI wins the sim because it sets up my I, S and C. ISC setups are really strong on this board. Even if he has an I or O, it's really hard for him to utilize the spot since he needs an S or C to be able to score well there. Given all of this it seems that that is the correct play. I should have thought back to 2014-2015 about what I would do here. I need to regain my creative side.
>Karl_Higby: DRSTTUW N1 WUD +22 275
#note L2 W(OR)D is a great play, but it probably wouldn't have worked out.
>Joshua_Sokol: CEEIIRS 1K CRE.S +33 296
#note not in a great spot here, but I calculated that if Karl got a play at 15A and then I got a play at 15K I would be ahead by a tiny bit on average and there would be 1-3 tiles in the bag, so possibly a favorable position for me. This is the best I've got, but the problem is this word can be extended. Karl says he almost went for SET(SCREWS) which is a word I did not know.
>Karl_Higby: CDRSSTT 14G D.SC. +14 289
#note best to exchange here and go for an extension of CREWS.
>Joshua_Sokol: DEFIINU 15K .UIDE +24 320
>Karl_Higby: EMRSTTY 15A YES +32 321
#note MES seems best, the Y is more useful than 3 points here, but Karl is pretty much drawing dead
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AFIINO N5 INFO +13 333
#note -5 to FINO in the same spot. I really didn't care, I just wanted to get this game over with, I knew I could nickel and dime him with 14N IF as well.
>Karl_Higby: GKMRTTU 6L GU.K +9 330
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AI 1H AIr..... +36 369
#note he is stuck with 3 letters regardless, I knew that I could lose my turn if this was invalid and still win. And I knew I knew nothing, so AIRCREWS may very well have been phony.
>Joshua_Sokol: (MRTT) +12 381
Player 2
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