Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joel Joel
#player2 Mack Mack
>Joel: CNOUY 8H UNCOY +28 28
>Mack: AEIJKSV L4 JIVE. +36 36
#note Close between this and JACK, decided he was likely enough to have gotten an S or the other Y so chose this
>Joel: DDENW K7 D.WNED +25 53
>Mack: AEGIIKS I5 KIA.G +13 49
#note Maybe KADI... this does set up my S well though
>Joel: AAN L10 ANA +16 69
>Mack: DEEGISS M10 EDGE +24 73
#note Didn't want to telegraph another S with SEDGE, plus keeping 2 Ss on this board isn't bad with so many S hooks open
>Joel: FR 6H R.F +14 83
>Mack: AFIISSW 10E WAIFS +24 97
#note Whiffed on KIWI. Playing quite badly so far
>Joel: AOZ 11D ZOA +36 119
>Mack: EEINOST D11 .EIN +26 123
#note Didn't want to allow a cheap 40+ point comeback, plus setting up the S seems good here
>Joel: PTU C13 PUT +20 139
>Mack: EIMOSTT H10 .OMITE +42 165
>Joel: BI 15A BI. +15 154
>Mack: ALOSTTU G13 OUT +11 176
#note Not much else
>Joel: AEINT 5E INTA.E +27 181
>Mack: ALLLRST 4B LALL +10 186
#note DELL seemed too risky with ??SSY out... sims close
>Joel: BDEGLM C3 G.MBLED +32 213
>Mack: NOQRSTY G9 Q. +21 207
>Joel: AX D7 AX +36 249
>Mack: NOORSTY M2 RYOT +25 232
#note Quackle actually likes REX/ROOTY going for the P here - not sure that's necessary though with two blanks out, if I can get one of them I can still draw a bingo up top or a 9 from TE
>Joel: ?ACEHOT 2F CHElATO. +70 319
>Mack: ENOORRS N2 SO +35 267
#note Hoping somehow to draw the other blank for a bingo with YON or a 9 from tE
>Joel: EIPRV B8 VIPER +32 351
>Mack: ENORRRS 1G ORE +21 288
#note N11 SORER is apparently best
>Joel: ?EHISU 1K UH +20 371
>Mack: NRRS E9 S..RN +15 303
#note ZEINS is 3 better
>Joel: ?EIS 14K rISE +13 384
>Joel: (R) +2 386
Player 2
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