Game Details
Player 1
#player1 q q
#player2 Evan_Yurko Evan Yurko
>q: AEEILOR 8H OE +4 4
>Evan_Yurko: AEGINTU 7E UNITAGE +65 65
#note Was a little unsure of where to put this. This seems to be the best to stop q from hitting things easily for cheap points. Quick sim backs me up, Best
>q: AAEILPR F1 AIRPLA.E +64 68
>Evan_Yurko: DEIINQR 1E Q.DI +42 107
#note qadi is probably a little stronger than qaid, as it opens another bingo line, and I am much more likely to benefit from this spot than q, because 7 tiles were drawn its pretty random, while EINR is much less random. Best.
>q: DDEJNSX 2H DEX +30 98
>Evan_Yurko: EILNORT 4C TER.INOL +72 179
#note Only Bingo. Best
>q: ADEHJNS 8K HAJES +53 151
>Evan_Yurko: AACITTW 5H AWAIT +25 204
#note Was again unsure here. This doesn't block anything, It's really just an attempt to outscore q. Scores the most but the sim likes 3B taw and just 5I wait, but I don't see any reason to give up 4 points to keep an a.
>q: BBDENSU 3B BUB +22 173
>Evan_Yurko: ACCILOT 2A TACO +30 234
#note After 1J ocicat this is best, would help to know it
>q: DEEINSS L8 .NISEEDS +70 243
>Evan_Yurko: ?CHIILR 13F CHILlI.R +84 318
#note Best
>q: EGMORSU N1 GRUESOM. +76 319
>Evan_Yurko: ?AKOYYZ 15H KAYO. +36 354
#note SIm likes H11 AZIdO for 69 holding the disgusting kyy, while YZ? after kayos is actually fairly flexible, as I could hit 1L zags or zigs or maybe something like 10J fritzy. seems best but q says second
>q: EGILNOP 12G OP +19 338
>Evan_Yurko: ?EFNWYZ 10K W.NZE +37 391
#note best. Didn't see or consider 8A ENZYmE for 64 but this is still much better.
>q: DEGILNT 11A TINGLED +75 413
>Evan_Yurko: ?FFMNTY B10 M.FFY +44 435
#note DIdn't really think about this move too hard, though if I draw vv i lose and all the vowels in the pool can be placed at A10 to reach the triple, while fifty in the same spot actually limits the options, and MN? is slighly friendlier with the pool than NT?
>q: AOORUVV 11I AVO. +24 437
>Evan_Yurko: ?ENRT O10 .NTREe +18 453
#note 8A TRiENE
>Evan_Yurko: (ORUV) +14 467
#note When q outbingos you but you still win
Player 2
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