Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jvc jvc
#player2 Keller Keller
>jvc: FIIOVWX 8G VOX +26 26
>Keller: ELV 7H LEV +19 19
>jvc: ?FIIIRW -FIIIW +0 26
>Keller: AEHL K5 HEAL +21 40
>jvc: ?EEEMRR L4 REM +19 45
#note J6 E(V)ERMoRE. Also, all the plays making (VOX)E(L)
>Keller: CEINQU 3H QUINCE +44 84
>jvc: ?EERUWY M5 WEY +27 72
>Keller: BF J2 F.B +16 100
>jvc: ?DEGNRU N7 ENGUaRD +65 137
#note N7 UNuRGED doesn't take the S.
>Keller: AIIPR O5 PIRAI +36 136
>jvc: DEGNOOS 14H NOODGES +90 227
>Keller: AIMU H1 MA.UI +51 187
>jvc: AAFLRST 15H ARF +31 258
>Keller: ADENRU 13D UNREAD +19 206
>jvc: AIIKLST 12L LI.K +26 284
#note M11 KAI(E)
>Keller: COPY 12A COPY +38 244
>jvc: ABISTTT A8 ATTI. +21 305
#note B10 BI(O)TA
>Keller: AIJO B6 JIAO +31 275
>jvc: BLRSTTZ 5F BL.T +6 311
#note No idea.
>Keller: EIN J7 .EIN +24 299
>jvc: ?EGRSTZ 11H ZEST +34 345
#note With SS still out, I wanted to block (VEIN)S.
>Keller: O 9I O. +14 313
>jvc: ?AEGHRT 1A ETHoGRA. +89 434
>Keller: EIS A8 .....ISE +30 343
>jvc: DOSW F10 SWO.D +15 449
>jvc: (ANOT) +8 457
Player 2
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