Player 1 |
#player1 Mina Mina
#player2 Ben_Schoenbrun Ben Schoenbrun
>Mina: CCIILQT 8D LICIT +16 16
#note Wow, I didn't know CLITIC! Quackle favors the typical QI opening, followed by CLITIC, followed by ICTIC which I did know. Ugh.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: DFIO 9G FOID +24 24
>Mina: BCDDQRU E6 QU.D +14 30
#note César mentioned walking past at this point and thinking, "I hope she doesn't play QUID." Ugh again. Why the sam hill didn't I exchange? This is so basic! (Quackle favors keeping CR, followed by leaving DR!)
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AEIRRST 5B TARSIER +94 118
#note My failure to exchange is ESPECIALLY terrible because I knew that QUID takes an E- or an S-. So, so bad.
>Mina: ?BCDHRT C3 BR.CH +32 62
>Mina: ?DINOTT (challenge) +5 67
#note I correctly chose the best move.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ?AEEEEE -EEE +0 118
>Mina: ?DINOTT 4G DOTTINg +72 139
#note Easy. The only bingo available.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ?AEEHLR J1 bLA.HERE. +66 184
#note The highest-simming and much higher-scoring bingo was 6G EARHoLE, but hey, style points for any disconnected nine.
>Mina: AAEMNOR B7 AMARONE +66 205
#note Again, easy, the only bingo.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: KMOSY 14B SMOKY +64 248
#note And this was plain ol' bad luck. I couldn't have done different than play AMARONE.
>Mina: AEEINPV A7 PANE +42 247
#note Mine is the highest-simming play.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: IVZ H1 VIZ.. +51 299
#note More bad luck.
>Mina: EEIIILV 1J .ELIVE +27 274
#note Quackle favors 4A VI(R)E for 28 keeping EIIL, but my play isn't bad at all, it sims second- or third-best.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AGW E11 GAW. +24 323
>Mina: GIINTUX 12D T.XIING +32 306
#note Quackle favors F10 XI for 28 leaving GINTU. My play isn't terrible; it sims in fifth or sixth place.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AORSW 15E SOWAR +42 365
#note Oof. The hits keep coming.
>Mina: BEEFLSU D1 FLEE. +32 338
#note I wrote "befuels?" and rightly crossed it out. My play sims seventh or eighth best. Quackle prefers 4A FE(R)E for 28 leaving BLSU, which I don't understand, as it both scores less than my play, and has a clunkier leave than my play. But maybe Quackle realizes that the unseen pool is vowel-heavy (the pool contains ten vowels, seven consonants, and one vowel-consonant), so that's why it keeps an extra consonant.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AJY 14H JAY +32 397
#note Yet another heavy-hitting tile flows down from Bnjy's hand.
>Mina: ABENSUU 13J UNAU +15 353
#note At this time there are four tiles left in the bag. My win chances are slim no matter what, but Quackle says I could have doubled my win percentage from 7.73% to 16.99% if I'd instead played the nice 13I EAU. It's a bit hard to see. I'd been bent on dumping both U's even though it emptied the bag.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: DEEGNOT 12L DONG +24 421
#note Easy win for him from here.
>Mina: BEOOPSU 1A POU.S +30 383
#note Highest-scoring play.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EET 14M TEE +9 430
>Ben_Schoenbrun: (BEO) +10 440