Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Hebdomad Hebdomad
#player2 ST ST
>Hebdomad: ?EFINOY 8G FOY +18 18
>ST: EPZ 9F ZEP +25 25
>Hebdomad: ?EEINSU J2 EqUINES +70 88
#note Q is the only letter that produces a seven-letter bingo with this rack.
>ST: LLOT 10H TOLL +11 36
>Hebdomad: DHIIINN K2 HIND +30 118
>ST: OPRSW 11D PROWS +26 62
>Hebdomad: ADEIINU 12A UNAI +18 136
#note Would anyone out there have played PIU for 10? Quak might have. I love the ADEIN leave, but don't like the points, or the chances of my potential bingo fitting the board.
>ST: BGRU 13D GRUB +16 78
#note Missing BURG for 26.
>Hebdomad: ADEISTY B10 YE.TA +32 168
>ST: GK 4I G..K +18 96
>Hebdomad: DEEIINS K10 .IE +6 174
#note It's either fishing, or INSIDE at M2.
>ST: DOT 13I TOD +10 106
>Hebdomad: ADEINSV A7 DIVA +29 203
>Hebdomad: AEEEINS B6 AE +12 215
>ST: EM A14 ME +16 187
>Hebdomad: CEEFINS D7 EF +23 238
>ST: ALX 14H LAX +53 240
>Hebdomad: ACEINRS M2 ARSENIC +80 318
>ST: IQ 15G QI +39 279
>Hebdomad: ?AACDMO D3 CAM +22 340
#note Tough choices. Quak liked some things I didn't, like CAMO D1. MAD N5 is an interesting idea.
>ST: EEH 8L E.HE +30 309
>Hebdomad: ?ADJOOV N8 .AJ +29 369
#note Plays that kill the O column (but still leave me HAJ next turn) are best. JOE, DOVE.
>ST: BGR 12J B.RG +26 335
>Hebdomad: ?DOOTUV O1 OUTDrOV. +89 458
>ST: ANW 5B W..AN +26 361
>Hebdomad: I N8 ...I +14 472
>Hebdomad: (IORR) +8 480
Player 2
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