Player 1 |
#player1 Dave_Koenig Dave Koenig
#player2 Brett_Smitheram Brett Smitheram
>Dave_Koenig: AEHJMSZ 8D JAMES +44 44
#note The highest scoring and best play.
>Brett_Smitheram: IIIIII -6 +0 0
>Dave_Koenig: HILMRSZ 9E HIM +27 71
#note I perhaps got a little too creative here. I played this specifically to set up 70+ point plays hooking MIZ, for example RIZ if I drew an I, or ZO if I drew an O. I'm a heavy favorite in any case, but this does not do nearly as well in simulation as the simple 7G MIZ or ZIRAM, probably because both score significantly more than this play and leave the potent SH combination, which is good for both bingos and scoring on non-bingo plays.
>Brett_Smitheram: EHO 7G HOE +25 25
>Dave_Koenig: LNORSVZ J7 RONZ +40 111
#note Clearly best on scoring and leave and helpfully also closes the board down a bit.
>Brett_Smitheram: OW K10 OW +21 46
>Dave_Koenig: DEGKLSV L10 LEK +31 142
#note This is a case where I have a bunch of similar scoring plays that are hard to choose from and that seem to sim close together, but it is worth noting that Quackle is not taking into account that there is an inference that he probably has a strong bingo rack after his last two plays. The play 10F DEV sims best, probably because in addition to scoring it takes away the high scoring 10E-G lane from him, but my thought was he was more likely to want to use the hooks he had created for himself with OW. Of course, LEK does not totally close those lanes down because of the LEKE/LEKU/LEKS hooks, but it is still less versatile than if I had played LEV or left all the back hooks for OW. That being said, one thing that I may have mis-calibrated is that although neither the K or V are great letters to keep, the K is better with the S than the V is.
>Brett_Smitheram: AEX 10E AXE +69 115
>Dave_Koenig: ADDGISV M11 DIV +27 169
#note Of course, this gives him a lot more back hooks, but I have to keep scoring, and if he does bingo, at least it lands on row 14, which should give me good comebacks.
>Brett_Smitheram: ORTUW 8J .UTROW +30 145
>Dave_Koenig: ADGIRSU 6B GUISARD +79 248
>Dave_Koenig: CEOPSTY (challenge) +5 253
#note Brett challenged RHEME.
>Brett_Smitheram: IQ 5D QI +37 182
>Dave_Koenig: CEOPSTY 14H COTYPES +90 343
>Dave_Koenig: EFGINOU (challenge) +5 348
#note I got my second +5 in a row from Brett when he challenged COTYPES.
>Brett_Smitheram: ADEEGPR 4E PREAGED +67 249
>Dave_Koenig: EFGINOU H12 FU.I +39 387
>Brett_Smitheram: AAEL 3G ALAE +17 266
#note This was surely a frustrating situation for Brett, as what had been a close game three turns ago was turning into a laugher, and he seemingly did not have much in the way of scoring tiles here. But his play is a good idea, because it creates bingo lanes to both the left and right on row 2, and if I do not have an A tile I cannot block both at the same time. Even if I do have an A, I may be reluctant to make a play hooking ALA, because of the number of front hooks I would be giving to the Triple Word Score at H1.
>Dave_Koenig: EGINOTV 2A VETOING +80 467
#note But Brett's good play backfired, giving me a spot for yet another bingo in a way that closed the board further.
>Brett_Smitheram: EIL A1 E.IL +24 290
>Dave_Koenig: ??DELNO 5I ONEfoLD +75 542
>Dave_Koenig: AAABIOS (challenge) +5 547
#note My play is probably better than my slightly higher scoring bingos, just because it closes the right side of the board, preventing him from bingoing back, but finding the highest scoring bingo here is an interesting challenge. It is CONCLUDE for 77 points through the U in FUCI. Though it is a common word, it is tricky to think of making both blanks the same letter.
>Brett_Smitheram: CRUY N2 CUR.Y +36 326
#note Brett joked after the game that his challenge of ONEFOLD was just because he needed to walk away from the board for a bit.
>Dave_Koenig: AAABIOS 2J BAA +23 570
>Brett_Smitheram: FINT B1 F.TIN. +19 345
>Dave_Koenig: AINORST 13C RAINO.TS +75 645
#note My luck was beyond ridiculous in this game. Not only did I have this spot for my fifth bingo, but prior to his play I also had B4 ORGANIST, guaranteeing that it was going to go down.
>Dave_Koenig: (BENT) +12 657