Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Jerry_Lerman Jerry Lerman
>Morris_Greenberg: CDFNTVY -CDFVY +0 0
#note Quackle slightly prefers keeping CNT or DN to this.
>Jerry_Lerman: ?AABDEU 8D BAnDEAU +74 74
>Morris_Greenberg: NSTTTXY K8 XYST +45 45
>Jerry_Lerman: DEMPT E7 T.MPED +22 96
>Morris_Greenberg: CEENNTT I6 EN.CT +11 56
#note Quackle suggests NET or TEN D11. given Jerry's previous play, he is likely a bit consonant heavy here. The sacrifice of equity to block vowels though isn't right here.
>Jerry_Lerman: ?BINRST 11A BITt.RNS +59 155
#note BRISaNT 12H.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEINNOT G1 ANOINTE. +61 117
>Jerry_Lerman: ADOZ B10 D.AZO +38 193
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEGLOW C11 .WAE +43 160
>Jerry_Lerman: ADRY H1 YARD +54 247
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGILOO 12I AGIO +25 185
#note Maybe IGLOO instead?
>Jerry_Lerman: EU D10 U.E +24 271
>Morris_Greenberg: EEHLORR J5 EH +26 211
#note Quackle prefers HO(U)R J6. While it is a lot of equity, I just couldn't justify limiting a quadrant of the board significantly at this score.
>Jerry_Lerman: AJN 2F J..NA +30 301
>Morris_Greenberg: EELOQRR -EOQR +0 211
>Jerry_Lerman: ARV K3 VAR +16 317
>Morris_Greenberg: EGKLORU 3K .OLK +22 233
>Jerry_Lerman: EEILPST M6 PELITES +67 384
>Morris_Greenberg: EGLORUW L1 GL.W +30 263
>Jerry_Lerman: ENOV 4C NEVO.. +20 404
>Morris_Greenberg: EFORSUU 3A FOU +16 279
#note This is to keep Jerry preoccupied while I fish for SQUIRER* which I was 95% sure was invalid, but thought that 5% is my best shot of winning.
>Jerry_Lerman: GI A1 GI. +21 425
>Morris_Greenberg: CEIORSU A9 CO. +10 289
#note Quackle only gives (T)UI 10M to have a better winning percentage.
>Jerry_Lerman: HO N6 OH +18 443
>Morris_Greenberg: EFIRRSU 9M .F +5 294
#note In the 5% chance SQUIRER* is valid, I would need 2 spots.
>Jerry_Lerman: EIIIMQR N9 .IR +14 457
>Morris_Greenberg: EILRRSU 15C SURLIER +82 376
#note It turns out Jerry did not realize you could pluralize TWAE.
>Morris_Greenberg: (EIIMQ) +32 408
Player 2
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