Player 1 |
#player1 Dean_Saldanha Dean Saldanha
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Dean_Saldanha: IIIUUU -IIIUUU +0 0
>Morris_Greenberg: AENORRU 8G OUR +6 6
>Dean_Saldanha: ITW F6 WIT +18 18
>Morris_Greenberg: AEILNPR 9A PLAINER +71 77
>Dean_Saldanha: AAL 10A AAL +15 33
>Morris_Greenberg: EFGSSTT 7E G.F +21 98
>Dean_Saldanha: HO A8 O..H +27 60
>Morris_Greenberg: EENSSTT 10E EST +24 122
#note Realized right after I hit my clock I missed TENSEST.
>Dean_Saldanha: DII I7 I.ID +7 67
>Morris_Greenberg: ELNOSTY G7 ....Y +11 133
#note (AL)LOY C9.
>Dean_Saldanha: BO E5 BO. +17 84
>Morris_Greenberg: ELNOQST D8 Q. +21 154
>Dean_Saldanha: APR D4 PAR +20 104
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ELNOST J8 STOLlEN +72 226
#note Maybe I should not play as risky a bingo.
>Dean_Saldanha: COW C3 COW +28 132
>Morris_Greenberg: ILOTUYZ 12I Z.OTY +32 258
#note I was considering YOU to semi-block the (STOLLEN)S hook, but realized that that could cause issues if Dean has the X. TIX, for instance, would score 66, and then Dean would only need a bingo to make it a tie game again. Quackle likes this second most, after TO(l)UYL 12H.
>Dean_Saldanha: AEINNRS 15H INSANER +81 213
>Morris_Greenberg: EIILRSU 14I U. +4 262
#note This is a tough turn. I decide that blocking the easy bingo lane is too important to exchange right away. I get a bingo on the current board with A, B, G, K, M, N, O, and T, so that is still ~40% of the time with blocking. Quackle slightly prefers LI(T)U or exchanging IU here, since those bingo ~60% of the time. However, this also gives Dean a better chance to bingo multiple times.
>Dean_Saldanha: AEUX 13L EAUX +34 247
>Morris_Greenberg: EIIILRS -II +0 262
#note Quackle prefers LIE 11C here.
>Dean_Saldanha: EF 11D FE +16 263
>Morris_Greenberg: EEEILRS 12B LEE +16 278
>Dean_Saldanha: DHI 13A HID +22 285
>Morris_Greenberg: EEIORSV A13 .OE +18 296
>Dean_Saldanha: ?AAIITV 6H AVIATIc +70 355
#note Dean wasn't 100% on AVIATrI(X).
>Morris_Greenberg: EEIMRSV O11 VE. +14 310
>Dean_Saldanha: ABK 5K KAB +36 391
>Morris_Greenberg: EIJMNRS H1 INJER. +42 352
#note I did not consider JISM 4I, but it may be worth it. My best shot here is to go for CON(VEX), so keeping the N would be good.
>Dean_Saldanha: DEGGORT 4J DOG +25 416
>Morris_Greenberg: CDMMNSU 2C SCUM +23 375
#note CUMM(I)NS 1D.
>Dean_Saldanha: EGRT 15A .GRET +7 423
>Dean_Saldanha: (DMN) +12 435