Player 1 |
#player1 Jennfier Jennfier
#player2 Chris Chris
>Jennfier: EIOU H6 EUOI +8 8
>Chris: AAEGITU I6 AGUTI +21 21
>Jennfier: AAN J9 ANA +12 20
>Chris: AEMQRRY K11 MARY +26 47
>Jennfier: ELW L10 LEW +27 47
>Jennfier: EIS (challenge) +5 52
#note I told myself I would review the 3's before this tournament, but I never did. :'(
>Chris: ADEEQRR -Q +0 47
>Jennfier: EIS M11 SEI +18 70
>Chris: ADEENRR G9 DEARNER +68 115
>Chris: ADEENRR -- -68 47
#note DEARN is an adjective. It adverbializes, but it doesn't compare.
>Jennfier: FY G7 FY +29 99
>Chris: ADEENRR N12 END +17 64
#note 14K (Y)ERD or (Y)ARE are best, but I didn't know SEIR (a kind of fish).
>Jennfier: EEINNPS K3 PENNIES +72 171
>Chris: ADEHPRR 4G HARP.D +26 90
#note L1 PRAD looks better.
>Jennfier: ITV H1 VIT. +21 192
>Chris: EGNORRR J1 GRO.ER +25 115
#note Best, but I'm already down to about 6% winning chances.
>Jennfier: BI J14 BI +23 215
>Chris: EELNNRS 1J .ENRES +24 139
#note Wasn't sure enough about 1J (G)ENNEL, but at least this keeps an L for hooking (AWEE)L.
>Jennfier: X N1 .X +18 233
>Chris: ILNOOOT 3M OON +16 155
>Jennfier: DRUZ 15F DURZ. +45 278
#note A defenseman for the Tornto Maple Leafs.
>Chris: BEFILOT O7 BETOIL +36 191
#note Now under 2% to win, but maybe I can draw a big J play at N10 or something. I was hoping Jennifer would challenge at least one of these words so I could get back to within shooting distance but no dice.
>Jennfier: ASTV 15L VAST +38 316
>Chris: FGHMOTW N8 HOW +37 228
#note Apparently I got away with a phony 2 here?
>Jennfier: CDU 3E DUC. +20 336
>Chris: AFGIMT M5 GIFT +18 246
#note Forgot to record my other tile. Another T? Fishing for 2A FIGJAM seems not unreasonable.
>Jennfier: CEKO 5D COKE +28 364
>Chris: ?EJLMQT F10 JiLTE. +31 277
>Jennfier: ?AAAILO G10 AnOA +18 382
#note I think Jennifer got distracted by something going on in the kitchen and didn't notice she hadn't blocked my Q spot.
>Chris: MQ 11E Q.. +20 297
>Jennfier: AIL D4 A.IL +12 394
>Jennfier: AIL -- -12 382
#note None of this matters since I got outplayed when I still had winning chances.
>Chris: M F2 M. +10 307
>Chris: (AIL) +6 313
#note 2-3 -263