Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Andrew_Fisher Andrew Fisher
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Andrew_Fisher: BY 8G BY +14 14
>Peter_Kougi: EEEHIJP 9F JEEP +27 27
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best I7 JEEP 30 48.82% EHI

1.94*9F JEEP 27 48.01% EHI

3.17 I7 JEE 27 47.49% EHIP

7.27 I7 PEH 23 45.77% EEIJ

7.24 I6 JEEP 25 45.68% EHI

10.1 I7 HEP 23 44.56% EEIJ

12.7 9E JEE 16 43.49% EHIP

12.4 G6 JI(B)E 15 43.48% EEHP

13.5 9F JEE 21 43.17% EHIP

13.4 I6 JEE 19 43.17% EHIP

>Andrew_Fisher: EMPR 10H PERM +22 36
>Peter_Kougi: AEEFHIN 11I NEAFE +31 58
#note Unsure of NEIF

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best 11I NEIF 29 51.03% AEH

5.88 K7 HAE(M)IN 22 48.41% EF

6.18 F8 A(J)EE 21 48.33% FHIN

6.53 K7 FEH(M)E 26 48.28% AIN

6.58 K6 INFA(M)E 22 48.16% EH

6.81 F7 HA(J) 21 48.02% EEFIN

7.21 K8 HA(M)E 18 47.98% EFIN

6.83*11I NEAFE 31 47.90% HI

6.90 K8 FA(M)INE 22 47.77% EH

7.54 F7 HA(J)I 24 47.56% EEFN

>Andrew_Fisher: AGLMSV M7 MAGL.VS +36 72
>Peter_Kougi: GHIIOSU 8L H.GS +36 94
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best N13 HUI 17 41.66% GIOS

0.250 12H GIO 15 41.25% HISU

1.71 12G HUI 13 40.75% GIOS

1.45 L3 SOUGH 25 40.60% II

2.33 N6 HUI 20 40.46% GIOS

2.36 N4 HIOI 13 40.26% GSU

3.13 10D GIO 17 39.93% HISU

3.54 10E IO 15 39.72% GHISU

5.08 N8 HUI 20 39.20% GIOS

5.93 N5 HUI 12 38.83% GIOS

8.09*8L H(A)GS 36 37.97% IIOU

>Andrew_Fisher: AT 12K TA. +27 99
>Peter_Kougi: EIILOOU 10C OLIO +17 111
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best N6 LO(G)OI 21 42.70% EIU

2.65 xch IIOOU 0 41.73% EL

5.00 xch IILOOU 0 40.85% E

4.79 12F EUOI 11 40.53% ILO

4.86*10C OLIO 17 40.13% EIU

6.03 13G LOUIE 13 39.72% IO

5.53 12E LOUIE 12 39.62% IO

7.53 xch IIOU 0 39.45% ELO

7.31 7I ILIU(M) 13 39.17% EOO

8.54 xch EILOOU 0 38.98% I

>Andrew_Fisher: ASTUX K4 TAXUS +33 132
>Peter_Kougi: AEEINUW 11C WANE +35 146
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *11C WANE 35 44.47% EIU

3.08 11C WINE 35 42.49% AEU

8.30 4H WAI(T)E 24 39.47% EUN

8.80 11D ANEW 30 39.20% EIU

10.6 11C EINE 26 37.66% AUW

13.2 9B AWE 21 37.38% EIUN

12.1 L1 NEWIE 24 37.22% AU

12.7 J3 WINE 24 37.04% AEU

13.7 L2 AWEE 20 36.66% IUN

16.0 L1 WINE 26 36.20% AEU

>Andrew_Fisher: IIIIIII -IIIIIII +0 132
>Peter_Kougi: AEFIINU L3 FINI +29 175
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
0.612 B9 IF 29 59.83% AEINU

best *L3 FINI 29 59.66% AEU

2.32 J2 FAINE 33 58.98% IU

3.87 D6 INFU(LA)E 28 58.08% AI

6.09 L1 FINI 26 56.57% AEU

7.55 B7 ENUF 31 56.00% AII

8.63 L4 EAU 21 55.19% FIIN

8.74 J3 NIFE 27 54.92% AIU

10.2 L1 FENI 26 54.73% AIU

11.0 B7 NEIF 31 53.96% AIU

>Andrew_Fisher: NOW 9A NOW +23 155
>Peter_Kougi: AAAEIOU -AAAEIOU +0 175
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
best xch AAIOU 0 51.93% AE

2.65 xch AAAIOU 0 49.92% E

3.69 xch AAEIOU 0 49.84% A

4.12 xch AAAOU 0 49.40% EI

4.11 A8 A(N)OA 12 48.92% AEUI

5.15 xch AAAEOU 0 48.78% I

6.54*xch AAAEIOU 0 48.61%

6.52 9L A(G)IO 15 48.21% AAEU

7.48 xch AAOU 0 47.74% AEI

>Andrew_Fisher: EILNORT O1 RETINOL. +77 232
>Peter_Kougi: AEEIOST A7 AI.E +12 187
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
0.0725 M2 OE 14 23.95% AEIST

best 9L E(G)O 12 23.25% AEIST

0.283 M2 EA 14 23.16% EIOST

1.51 13I TOEA(S) 18 22.92% EIS

2.63 M3 AE 17 22.59% EIOST

0.613 N7 A(G)IO 19 22.46% EEST

1.79 M2 AE 14 22.22% EIOST

4.46 12H OE 9 21.76% AEIST

5.80 C9 (WOW)EE 22 20.38% AIOST

4.45 N7 E(G)O 12 20.38% AEIST

9.15*A7 AI(N)E 12 16.50% EOST

>Andrew_Fisher: AQTU M1 QUAT +39 271
>Peter_Kougi: CDEEOST B1 CESTODE +80 267
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *B1 CESTODE 80 32.70%

4.62 B1 ESCOTED 77 32.58%

9.87 13E CESTODE 68 25.75%

>Andrew_Fisher: AGRUY 3B .UGARY +28 299
>Peter_Kougi: ?HIOOTV N6 HO. +33 300
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *N6 HO(G) 33 59.09% IOTV?

15.1 N5 OH 28 47.73% IOTV?

35.4 4B (T)HO 23 42.05% IOTV?

26.5 E3 (A)VO 12 38.64% HIOT?

27.2 N13 HOO 17 38.26% ITV?

39.6 2E HOO 22 35.61% ITV?

27.0 F3 (R)IVO 9 34.47% HOT?

24.1 F2 V(R)OT 15 33.71% HIO?

34.9 D1 VO(G) 11 33.71% HIOT?

38.3 4D OH 21 32.20% IOTV?

>Andrew_Fisher: CDEKNR 5A D.RNECK +28 327
>Peter_Kougi: ?IORTUV 13E VOITURe +66 366
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
6.93 E2 D(A)CK 22 54.24% NER

13.9*5A D(O)RNECK 28 48.86%

16.6 D10 (LA)CK 20 47.42% DNER

best E1 CR(A)NKED 28 46.21%

16.3 F2 D(R)ECK 26 44.09% NR

6.87 D10 (LA)CKED 30 42.05% NR

26.3 D10 (LA)NKED 26 41.82% CR

9.99 D10 (LA)CKER 26 41.29% DN

44.1 D10 (LA)RKED 26 33.71% NC

>Andrew_Fisher: ADDEIIZ 1A A.ID +27 354
>Peter_Kougi: ?BILOR 14F BOaR +26 392
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 14F BoOR 26 100.0% IL

best 14F BOoR 26 100.0% IL

best *14F BOaR 26 100.0% IL

2.00 12G BI 12 100.0% LOR?

11.0 D7 vIL(LA)R 19 100.0% BO

11.0 D7 pIL(LA)R 19 100.0% BO

13.0 14F BoO 23 100.0% ILR

13.0 14F BOo 23 100.0% ILR

13.0 14F BOa 23 100.0% ILR

14.0 H12 s(T)OB 15 100.0% ILR

>Andrew_Fisher: DEIZ E2 D.Z. +14 368
>Peter_Kougi: IL 15E LI +7 399
>Peter_Kougi: (EI) +4 403
Player 2
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