Player 1 |
#player1 eric eric
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>eric: OTW 8G WOT +12 12
>Jackson: ?AAENTV 7C VANTAgE +75 75
>eric: ADINORS J2 INROADS +80 92
#note vantaged* :|||||||
>Jackson: AHINVXY 4H HY.AX +44 119
#note really close between varix and hyrax - HNY is a much better leave, especially with draws like HEA(V)Y. It sims a bit above HYRAX. INV isn't great, but 6 points is a lot to sacrifice. VARIX seems worth it based on average score.
>eric: ERSUZ D7 .ZURES +50 142
>Jackson: EHILNTV 5J .LIVE +29 148
#note I missed EOLITH and NTH! Both are well worth considering. OLIVE is cool cause he might be inclined to block the S hook. The V is really bad, so NTH and EOLITH both sim worse than olive. Olive sims best, which kind of surprises me since it sacrifices 6 points. HNT has a lot of synergy, averaging 7 more than nv.
>eric: ACDEIO E2 CODEI.A +31 173
>Jackson: AEEHNTU 10C U.ETHANE +65 213
>eric: GIOOR N1 GOOI.R +18 191
>Jackson: BFMNPRU 11H BUMF +32 245
>eric: OW O1 OW +29 220
>Jackson: EGGNNPR 3C PR.NG +20 265
>eric: CEIR 4A CRIE. +30 250
>Jackson: ?AEGLNT A3 o.TANGLE +80 345
>eric: FRY 12F FRY +25 275
>Jackson: EEEIIST B4 .EI +11 356
#note not a sure win yet - I draw a lot of the vowels which makes the pool a lot less friendly for bingoes, but I really want scoring tiles to outrun bingoes. I can't really block olives this turn, so I'm gonna wait for next
>eric: DEILMQT 2I Q. +11 286
>Jackson: BEEINST O5 SENTI +26 382
#note so happy to play EINST for 26 points!!! I really want to leave fewer than 7 tiles in the bag to prevent him from bingoing twice, and senti leaves 6. I don't mind if he bingoes once, I can outrun.
I had a slight worry about playing my S, that he could do something like (F)OP, but I can usually block or leave 1 in the bag and still win
>eric: AJM 12A JAM. +21 307
>Jackson: BEIKPSU A12 .UKE +45 427
#note this outruns all possible bingoes
>eric: DEILO 14A .ELOID +30 337
>Jackson: ABILPST N9 PIBALS +28 455
>eric: DO O11 OD +14 351
>eric: (T) +2 353