Player 1 |
#player1 Joshy Joshy
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Joshy: ADOQTTT H7 QAT +24 24
>Jackson: EGIINRU 9F IN.RIGUE +62 62
>Joshy: ?ADIOTT N3 mATTOID +70 94
>Jackson: EFKNORT 4K FRE.K +34 96
#note A sim says the O1 spot is too big to leave open, especially when a lot of my similarly-valuated plays block it. KNOT and KRONE are interesting because the F has 3 spots on this board, so I actually average a lot! Can't believe it's the 44 Q claims it is. The only play that averages more than KNOT in a sim is 10D KEF, which I'm not doing cause it lets him score too much on average.
I'm surprised KENAF or FREAK don't sim best - apparently they only bingo slightly more than KNOT (25/23% vs. 18%). They also close the board a bit more than KNOT, which probably contributes to the smaller than expected diff. in bingo percentage. KNOT looks best
>Joshy: EHHIILY K7 HI.HLY +32 126
>Jackson: EGINOOT O1 GOO. +28 124
>Joshy: AEIJMNS 5E JASMINE +124 250
#note asdfasdfasdfasdf
Josh: Jackson needed some jasmine tea after this one to be dumped on top of his lucky opponent
>Jackson: ?BEIINT 1H dEBITIN. +83 207
>Joshy: ADEIOPY 6E OY +35 285
>Jackson: AAIMNRX 8J M.X +41 248
#note Wow I missed a HUGE opportunity here - J12 MAX, which looks foolishly aggressive, is amazing since there is only one I remaining in the pool of 48 tiles!!! He has it about 1/7 of the time, and I gain hugely from this.
>Joshy: ADEIOOP 4F POO +21 306
#note too bad for Jackson that I had the only other remaining I! MAX would not have worked.
>Jackson: AACINPR 8A PICARA +35 283
#note It's between this and I4 P(I)A or YAP/PYA on row 12. the Y plays score 3 more but also affect the 8s lanes there. PIA bingoes a fair amount more and looks about worth the sacrifice.
>Joshy: ADDEIOR A8 .ARODIED +92 398
>Jackson: BENNTUW 12J W.N +18 301
#note Need to bingo twice to win the game, so didn't want to block the board up with WENT.
>Joshy: ACEELOS C2 COALES.E +78 476
#note lots of bingo bangos this tournament.
I should have played C8 because it makes the board really cool-looking
>Jackson: ABENTUZ J12 .UZ +35 336
>Joshy: AFLLRVW 4A FL.W +28 504
#note B6 WA(I)L looks best. Considered it but liked keeping the vowel.
>Jackson: ABELNTU B6 BA.L +27 363
>Joshy: AEENRVV M12 NAVE +24 528
#note missed 2F VEENA, which looks a smidge better. NEVE was an option too and does a smaller smidge better. He can't use the scoring spot unless he doesn't want to bingo, so this was a good gambit that you can make use of in pre-endgame positions where your opponent wants to play a bingo.
>Jackson: EENSTTU 15L T. +3 366
#note I hit DENTURES with an R draw, and he might not block it (or he will sacrifice to block it). I also like blocking VEER plays
>Joshy: EEGRRSV G3 G.. +6 534
#note 13M (A)G is better because when I hit my bingo and he blocks I can score 40. For some reason I kept thinking there was a W unseen so I didn't play (A)G. Good thing I didn't more severely mistrack and allow Jackson to bingo out.
>Jackson: EENSTUU 10E UTES +26 392
>Joshy: DEERRSV A1 REE.S +24 558
>Jackson: ENU 12A .UNE +10 402
>Jackson: (DRV) +14 416