Player 1 |
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Scott_Appel Scott Appel
>Charles_Reinke: BEEELOR H8 OBE +10 10
>Scott_Appel: ABJ G8 JAB +31 31
>Charles_Reinke: EEFLORX F9 FOREX +32 42
>Scott_Appel: AQT I6 QAT +23 54
>Charles_Reinke: AEELOWZ E10 LOWE +38 80
>Scott_Appel: DLO D11 DOL +34 88
>Charles_Reinke: AAEEGIZ J7 GAZE +30 110
#note 13X A(LEX)IA is a cool way to set up my Z, but the spot it creates won't usually stay open.
>Scott_Appel: I 13C I... +22 110
>Charles_Reinke: ADEEIMS 6I .ADI +33 143
>Scott_Appel: AIOR K2 AROI. +12 122
>Charles_Reinke: ADEEMPS K9 AMPED +35 178
>Scott_Appel: ?ADGINR B7 GRADINs +73 195
>Charles_Reinke: ?EMNNNS L6 .NN +4 182
#note Didn't see 4J N(O)NMEN. This sims poorly but at least I'll probably bingo next turn.
>Scott_Appel: EUV 8A E.UV +33 228
>Charles_Reinke: ?EIKMNS 12H SME.KINg +78 260
#note I wasn't 100% on ERUV taking the S, otherwise I would have played KINEMaS. 3H SME(R)KINg is also a little better. When Scott held this it started looking really weird.
>Scott_Appel: RTTU 4H TUT.R +12 240
>Charles_Reinke: EFLNORU O10 EN.ULF +24 284
#note N10 FU(N)NEL is ten more. I didn't like the lanes it opened up but it does open two TWS's so I'll at least get one of them.
>Scott_Appel: EHTU 2J H.UTE +32 272
>Charles_Reinke: CIOORST 1D OCTROIS +85 369
>Scott_Appel: EEIRSTV O2 RESTIVE +92 364
>Charles_Reinke: CGLNOPY M9 COY.NG +30 399
>Scott_Appel: AEHISWY E4 WHEYS +36 400
>Charles_Reinke: AILP N10 PI. +28 427
#note While Scott was deliberating his play, I noticed that he could give me PILAW if he played his W in the right spot, however, I forgot this fact by the time he actually made this play. This is one of those times where it might have been helpful to take notes on my scoresheet, but if I started taking notes that would just be another thing to get me into time trouble.
>Scott_Appel: AI N14 AI +17 417
>Scott_Appel: (AL) +4 421