Player 1 |
#player1 Will_Anderson Will Anderson
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Will_Anderson: AEIOSUW -AIOUW +0 0
>Joshua_Sokol: CILPRUX H6 CRUX +26 26
>Will_Anderson: DEEHSTV 9F VE.T +16 16
#note Tempting to leave off the T...pretty close call.
>Joshua_Sokol: AIILPRU 6F PI.UL +17 43
#note considered putting the two vowels on either side of this as well. That sims best, but I don't buy it.
>Will_Anderson: ADEHSSZ K2 HAZES +44 60
#note Was so close to doing K3 ZEDS setting up big AH plays paralleling...Quackle says it's definitely better.
>Joshua_Sokol: AADEIRY 4K .AIDY +44 87
#note missing RAYA, only seeing YA and (Z)AIDY . RAYA is the play.
>Will_Anderson: ?CDEOST 2H CaT.ODES +80 140
#note W: Miss of REDCOATS for 4 more points and far lower scoring comeback (though it opens the upper left quadrant for bingos). I preferred CATHODES to DIESTOCK just to keep the board locked up, but the scoring spot in the upper right after CATHODES is potentially quite enormous.
J: however RAYA would have given him ESCOTED for 98, so I shouldn't be so sure that it was the right play. 3F rEDCO(A)TS was missed, and boy how lucky I was to have witnessed Will miss a bingo.
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEINNR 1L NENE +29 116
#note However I was really not happy that I didn't have anything good here, so much so that I missed NINE as a clearly better play, keeping something that isn't AIR. That's a loss of probably 5 points. Oof. Let my emotions get in the way here for sure.
>Will_Anderson: ELNQRUW 3I WE.N +25 165
>Joshua_Sokol: AADEINR 10I ARANEID +64 180
>Will_Anderson: ILLQRTU O7 QUI. +42 207
>Joshua_Sokol: ABEFGIW 11E BEWIG +26 206
#note Too much to consider here, what scoring spots each play leaves, and what that would leave me after those spots are used... It seemed really close between this, B(E)WIG for 28 and some overlaps, like 11I WEB, 9K FIB and 9K FEW. I'm hoping his rack is weak and he can't do much after this, which was indeed the case.
>Will_Anderson: GILLRTU 5C IGLU +14 221
#note Perhaps 11K GUL is warranted, clinging to a small lead while I get my rack in order...
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ABEFIL M7 FIr.ABLE +82 288
#note R(E)GULI would have also really reduced my firepower here.
>Will_Anderson: FLOORST 14H FOOTL.RS +76 297
>Joshua_Sokol: AIMORVY 15F OVARY +55 343
>Will_Anderson: AAEGNPR 14A PARANG +33 330
#note Didn't see PENNA, which I would've done over PARANG. My hope was to burn as many tiles as possible to draw the J and create another spot for it in the process - but two J spots already existed after OVARY anyway. PENNA keeps AR for RAJ.
>Joshua_Sokol: AIMMNOT A8 MAINTO. +36 379
#note After a lot of thinking, I determined that if I drew one of J or S, I would be favored to win this game. I'm proud of this play.
>Will_Anderson: EEKOOTT L8 KE. +24 354
#note Shrug, no idea what I can do here.
>Joshua_Sokol: EHJMORS O12 JO.H +66 445
#note :)
>Will_Anderson: DEIOOTT 12C TOOTED +34 388
>Joshua_Sokol: EMRS A8 .......S +36 481
#note equal with B7 REMS
>Will_Anderson: I 8A .I +4 392
>Will_Anderson: (EMR) +10 402