Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mark_Francillon Mark Francillon
#player2 JD JD
>Mark_Francillon: ADILSTT -ADILS +0 0
>JD: AFGLOSU 8G FUG +14 14
#note definitely FUGAL, even after an exchange 5 on his part.
>Mark_Francillon: ?BDORRS J2 BORDeRS +73 73
>Mark_Francillon: EEJ I3 J.E +38 111
>JD: EIOTUVY 3B YOU +21 109
>Mark_Francillon: EE K2 EE +16 127
>JD: ?EITTVY L2 TYE +31 140
#note I regretted not playing TIVY here immediately thereafter. I had visions of my awful game against Esther from the previous afternoon where I had the blank for 5-6 turns. it's only a difference of about 2 points on the sim.
>Mark_Francillon: FIT F2 FI.T +15 142
>JD: ?AIPTUV 9F VATU +21 161
>Mark_Francillon: AIT 5E I.A +12 154
>JD: ?DEIIPU 10G DUPE +25 186
#note should just play PIU here, although this isn't totally awful. I was feeling pretty bad about my blank rack decision-making at this point lol
>Mark_Francillon: OZ 2A ZO +32 186
>JD: ?IILMMO 6G MIL.sIMO +78 264
>JD: AACEGHN (challenge) +5 269
#note ur, that was lucky
>Mark_Francillon: AERR 11D RARE +16 202
#note that 5s study paying off
>Mark_Francillon: EENSVWX -EEN +0 202
>JD: ADILNNQ B6 QADI +42 400
#note even going up for 198, one might argue I'm setting up the chance for an astonishing comeback given the MILESIMOS hook and this big new lane on column A. meh
>Mark_Francillon: EER D10 E.E +18 220
>JD: AIKLNNV 11J NIVAL +18 418
#note LEVIN at 13B very cleverly sets up my A for a big play on column A. didn't spot it.
>Mark_Francillon: EGINPSW A9 SPEWING +104 324
>JD: KLNOX M9 KL.XON +44 462
#note seems like I'm up enough...right?!
>Mark_Francillon: BOW N13 BOW +24 348
>JD: ADNORTT N2 RATT.N +12 474
#note gotta block RECTIONS. best is TONDO at O5 setting up a nice new out, and keeping VAR/AX as backup.
>Mark_Francillon: CEINRST 14C SINCE +27 375
>JD: DO O14 DO +28 502
>JD: (RT) +4 506
Player 2
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