Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Rob_Robinsky Rob Robinsky
#note rob is fast on his way to becoming my scrabble daddy!
>Rob_Robinsky: AEKOSTU H1 OUTASKE. +92 92
>JD: EGILLPW 7F PL.W +23 49
>Rob_Robinsky: LOTV 5D VOLT. +16 108
>JD: EFGILMW 9I GIF +27 76
>Rob_Robinsky: ?AAERTT L2 ARTEfA.T +76 184
#note nice
>JD: EHLMOWZ 2J WH.MO +42 118
#note I think this was the turn where I realized "oh shit I had DOMICILE that whole time!" Thankfully it was never the right play due to the leave
>Rob_Robinsky: LOSV 10F VOLS +23 207
>JD: EEGILNZ G9 Z. +21 139
#note this play was really hard to figure out. start with DOMICILE? Fish once and save DOMICILE as the fallback? I saw that EEGILN combined unusually well with the V, but Q still prefers FEZ over ZO (it is 10 extra points). but the top play is DOMICILE, which makes sense - even though I probably won't bingo, the Z plays nicely as a fish at 1N next turn if I can pull an A or O, so I buy that DOMICILE is correct.
>Rob_Robinsky: AQ 3F QA. +13 220
>Rob_Robinsky: HIP 1M HIP +33 253
>JD: ?AABDDG 8A DAG.A +24 241
#note I'm a slight favorite to pull off the win after pulling the blank here.
>Rob_Robinsky: AEEERRS A3 ARREE.ES +60 313
#note ok, that complicates things
>JD: ?BDOSUX C1 BOX +42 283
#note amazingly, I have a bingo here, although SOUNDBOX isn't the right play. I passed up XU because I didn't think BDOS? would bingo well on this board, but BOX gives back a TON of free points for no reason on a pretty tight board. definite error.
>Rob_Robinsky: EINRU 1A RU.INE +27 340
#note exactly why BOX was wrong
>JD: ?DFNSUU 5K F.UD +16 299
#note I debated FUND at C10, but I really liked this play - bingoing on column M is likely to give back big counterplays, whereas if I can hit column O I can likely score more and give back less. I also thought that playing FUND risked giving Rob back bingos unnecessarily, whereas it is impossible for him to hit the S lanes on the right.
>Rob_Robinsky: IO 6F OI. +19 359
>JD: ?BCENSU 7L .B +7 306
#note BUNCE. ZOBU. UN. 3 really different ideas. First of all, BCESU? actually bingos more than CENSU? (including SUBJECT for a zillion if I pull the J), so fishing N is definitely better. past that, I think ZOBU is definitely a better play - without giving too much back to Rob, it sets up another high-scoring bingo lane in another quadrant. The question after that is whether BUNCE is right. I'd be worried that I draw poorly and don't have time to clean up my rack, but Quackle thinks I'm 67% to bingo afterward. In hindsight I'm tempted to take BUNCE here because I think my path to victory is simplest. I'm down enough that he may outrun a low-scoring fish, but after BUNCE + a bingo, I should win if I can draw an out.
>Rob_Robinsky: AN 4N AN +6 365
#note wow - ballsy
>JD: ?CENNSU M9 SCUNNEr +78 384
#note gotta lay it down and hope. I scored this as 80
>Rob_Robinsky: EIJR 15K JI.RE +36 401
>JD: DEEIRTY 11B TEDY +30 414
#note I didn't see TANNOY, but I'm screwed anyway because I couldn't figure out how to block ATONY on column C without giving him an out. eventually I ran out of time.
>Rob_Robinsky: ANOTY 12J TAN.OY +26 427
>Rob_Robinsky: (EIR) +6 433