Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Ron_Baginski Ron Baginski
>Peter_Kougi: ?EILOTV 8C OVErLIT +76 76
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8C OVErLIT 76 75.52%

2.86 8D VIOLEnT 76 74.48%

2.70 8D VIOLaTE 76 74.40%

4.01 8G OuTLIVE 76 73.93%

5.75 8F LOVIEsT 70 73.45%

6.21 8G OVErLIT 70 73.30%

5.68 8D VIOLETs 76 73.19%

6.38 8D OVErLIT 70 73.17%

7.09 8B LOVIEsT 76 73.09%

8.37 8F OVErLIT 70 72.58%

>Ron_Baginski: APW F6 WA.P +16 16
>Peter_Kougi: BDDIINR 7H BIND +15 91
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best G7 B(L)IND 24 78.30% DIR

3.47*7H BIND 15 76.98% DIR

3.72 7H BIRD 15 76.87% DIN

6.32 7H BINDI 16 76.36% DR

4.93 7H DIB 13 76.33% DINR

5.58 9H DID 12 76.09% BINR

6.40 7H BID 14 75.87% DINR

6.33 G7 B(L)IN 22 75.66% DDIR

6.15 7H BIDI 15 75.62% DNR

7.61 G7 B(L)INI 23 75.55% DDR

>Ron_Baginski: AERSTUU L1 AUTEURS +74 90
>Peter_Kougi: ADFIIRT 4F RATIFI.D +63 154
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *4F RATIFI(E)D 63 70.37%

>Ron_Baginski: NQ I3 Q.N +22 112
>Peter_Kougi: ADEHLTU 1K H.DAL +27 181
#note Awful, actually saw H(A)ULD immediately after hitting my clock

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best 9B UH 18 79.94% ADELT

9.13 3B HAULED 31 77.71% T

5.91 7B UH 18 77.42% ADELT

10.6 2J HA(U)LT 32 77.41% DEU

8.62 2J HA(U)LED 36 77.35% TU

11.3 1K H(A)ULD 27 77.18% AET

8.93 3F UH 20 76.47% ADELT

12.5 1K H(A)ULT 24 76.35% ADE

11.5 M2 HA(D) 23 76.28% DELTU

12.4 2J HA(U)TE 32 76.18% DLU

19.3*1K H(A)DAL 27 73.21% ETU

>Ron_Baginski: EKN 3E NEK +25 137
>Peter_Kougi: DEEITUY 2D DEY +31 212
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 2D UEY 30 79.39% DEIT

10.6 K7 (D)UTIED 16 75.23% EY

10.0 D8 (V)EDUTE 20 75.19% IY

9.76 2L (U)EY 25 74.45% DEITU

10.9*2D DEY 31 74.38% EITU

11.1 5G TI(N)Y 24 74.34% DEEU

6.43 9A UEY 19 74.18% DEIT

14.0 5G TI(N)E 18 73.23% DEUY

13.2 H6 U(BI)ETY 11 73.09% DEI

15.3 D7 E(V)ITED 20 72.89% UY

>Ron_Baginski: CEGINNS 10F SCENING +75 212
>Peter_Kougi: EEIORTU 1A EUOI +19 231
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
best 11K EUOI 15 57.23% ERT

1.69 1E ROUE 22 55.43% EIT

2.17 1A OURIE 25 55.25% ET

4.63*1A EUOI 19 54.04% ERT

4.55 1F EUOI 19 53.59% ERT

3.91 1E ROUTE 25 53.20% EI

5.34 1A EURO 19 52.98% EIT

5.63 1A OUTER 25 52.98% EI

7.32 1E ETUI 22 51.78% EOR

8.37 1A ROUE 19 50.88% EIT

>Ron_Baginski: AOV 1F OVA +25 237
>Peter_Kougi: CEEORRT D6 CO.ERTER +76 307
>Peter_Kougi: CEEORRT -- -76 231
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
44.6 3L (T)OR 12 52.32% CEERT

44.6 D8 (V)ECTOR 22 51.83% ER

47.1 G3 (KA)RO 13 50.29% CEERT

47.3 D8 (V)OTER 16 50.23% CER

46.7 D6 CO(V)ERER 24 50.11% T

47.2 3L (T)ORE 14 50.07% CERT

48.2 D4 RECO(V)ER 24 49.39% T

48.2 3L (T)ORC 18 49.29% EERT

49.2 J4 (F)ER(N) 11 48.77% CEORT

49.7 D6 CO(V)ETER 24 48.00% R

best *D6 CO(V)ERTER 76 30.01% CEEORRT

>Ron_Baginski: IX 2N XI +38 275
>Peter_Kougi: CEEORRT D6 CO.ETER +24 255
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
2.50 3L (T)OE 22 24.18% CERRT

best D6 CO(V)ERER 24 24.16% T

1.24*D6 CO(V)ETER 24 23.43% R

2.00 D8 (V)ECTOR 22 23.24% ER

5.21 K7 (D)RO(N)E 12 23.04% CERT

4.18 11H ROTE 18 22.99% CER

4.31 G3 (KA)RO 13 22.94% CEERT

5.66 L10 (G)ER 8 22.54% CEORT

5.70 L10 (G)OER 10 22.44% CERT

4.59 D8 (V)OTER 16 22.38% CER

>Ron_Baginski: HM 2A HM +27 302
>Peter_Kougi: AOOPRTW C7 W.O +23 278
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best E5 WOR(E) 25 19.28% AOPT

2.71*C7 W(O)O 23 18.17% AOPRT

3.85 C7 W(O)P 31 16.95% AOORT

5.15 C7 P(O)W 31 16.75% AOORT

6.21 C11 WOP 23 16.20% AORT

9.58 6L (R)OW 14 15.60% AOPRT

9.63 C11 WOO 19 15.25% APRT

8.73 E5 WO 18 14.89% AOPRT

9.10 E5 TOP(E) 25 14.18% AORW

10.5 5G WO(N) 18 13.93% AOPRT

>Ron_Baginski: AF E5 FA +18 320
>Peter_Kougi: AIMOPRT H10 .MPART +39 317
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *H10 (E)MPART 39 26.32% IO

3.81 B9 MATIPO 29 22.25% R

7.92 5G MI(N)A 22 21.35% OPRT

8.62 C11 MOP 20 20.39% AIRT

9.18 B5 OPT 17 20.12% AIMR

9.59 2J MO(U) 16 19.87% AIPRT

9.84 5G MO(N) 16 19.84% AIPRT

12.7 3B MI 15 19.24% AOPRT

12.0 3B PO 15 17.93% AIMRT

12.5 5G MO(N)A 22 17.42% IPRT

>Ron_Baginski: ABEEOST 14H .EBATOES +82 402
>Peter_Kougi: EEIOOYZ 13J OYEZ +65 382
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *13J OYEZ 65 29.55% EIO

39.9 C12 OYEZ 34 23.11% EIO

34.0 11A ZOO(E)Y 34 20.45% EEI

33.7 C11 OOZY 36 20.08% EEI

18.5 11K OOZY 39 17.05% EEI

16.1 C12 OOZY 34 16.29% EEI

44.7 12H (P)IEZO 32 15.15% EOY

30.4 O9 OYEZE(S) 28 11.36% IO

36.4 11K OOZE 33 10.98% EIY

52.8 12H (P)EEOY 20 9.848% IOZ

>Ron_Baginski: ?IJLRRU 11C J.U +20 422
#note Ron's actual rack. Looks like blocking the O column was better

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
50.2 O10 JURI(S)t 39 69.44% LR

34.8 O12 JI(S)m 54 63.89% LRRU

39.5 15N LI 14 63.89% ?JRRU

42.8 O12 JU(S)t 54 63.89% ILRR

53.8 O12 JU(S) 18 63.89% ?ILRR

47.3 12L JaIL 53 61.11% RRU

68.1 12L JaI 49 58.33% LRRU

54.7 12L JaRL 53 55.56% IRU

1.30 13G J(A) 17 52.78% ?ILRRU

99.8*11C J(E)U 20 50.00% ?ILRR

>Peter_Kougi: EGILNOS O8 LOGINE.S +140 522
#note Whoa

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *O8 LOGINE(S)S 140 100.0%

60.0 O7 LOGINES(S) 80 100.0%

60.0 O7 LIGNOSE(S) 80 100.0%

136. C11 (J)ONGS 28 0.0000% EIL

137. C11 (J)OL 22 0.0000% EGIN
140. 15M LEI 29 0.0000% GNOS

140. C11 (J)OG 24 0.0000% EILN
144. O10 GNEI(S)S 24 0.0000% LO

147. J2 LI(F)E 22 0.0000% GNOS

160. 15M SEI 29 0.0000% GLNO

>Peter_Kougi: (?AGILRR) +14 536
Player 2
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