Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Tony_Hunt Tony Hunt
>Peter_Kougi: AERRSVX 8G VEX +26 26
#note Yeah RAX is better

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 8G RAX 20 58.95% VERS

0.326*8G VEX 26 58.81% ARRS

3.12 8H RAX 20 57.66% VERS

3.30 8F VEX 26 57.55% ARRS

4.20 8H VEX 26 57.15% ARRS

5.03 8D VERRA 24 56.93% XS

5.57 8H AX 18 56.58% VERRS

7.05 8H REX 20 55.98% VARS

7.20 8G REX 20 55.97% VARS

7.81 8F VERRA 16 55.71% XS

>Tony_Hunt: BFI 9H FIB +24 24
>Peter_Kougi: ADFRRST 10E FART +15 41
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 10E FRATS 26 59.26% DR

1.50 10H TSAR 28 58.48% FDR

1.77 10D DRAFT 17 58.45% RS

1.94 10D DRAFTS 28 58.42% R

5.70*10E FART 15 56.76% DRS

6.02 10E DRATS 24 56.63% FR

5.87 10F FATS 31 56.47% RDR

6.65 10F ARFS 28 56.28% TDR

6.61 K4 DRAFTS 29 56.19% R

7.04 K5 FRATS 25 56.15% DR

>Tony_Hunt: NWY 11D WYN +36 60
>Peter_Kougi: DIMNORS 12F NIMRODS +79 120
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best K3 DORMINS 79 70.84%

0.723 12F DORMINS 76 70.65%

0.778*12F NIMRODS 79 70.59%

2.77 K3 NIMRODS 79 69.45%

>Tony_Hunt: AIO H12 .OAI +18 78
>Peter_Kougi: AAIIPSS 11J PIAS +24 144
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
best K8 ASPI(D)IA 29 79.69% S

3.63 13J PAISA 23 78.13% IS

5.06 11I AIA 16 77.46% IPSS

4.79*11J PIAS 24 77.30% AIS

6.22 11J PIA 22 77.09% AISS

7.11 11K AIA 14 76.54% IPSS

7.46 11J PAIS 24 76.28% AIS

10.8 D11 (W)AIS 14 75.29% AIPS

10.2 13K AIAS 13 75.26% IPS

10.7 11J PAISA 26 75.03% IS

>Tony_Hunt: DEER 12A DREE +24 102
>Peter_Kougi: AACDIRS K3 ACARIDS +79 223
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 14B ARCADI(A)S 80 93.55%

1.64*K3 ACARIDS 79 92.98%

3.18 K3 CARDIAS 79 92.14%

5.20 14H (A)RCADIAS 84 90.30%

18.0 M4 ASCARID(S) 63 88.70%

21.0 14E ARC(A)DIAS 65 88.40%

>Tony_Hunt: BEOOT A7 BOOTE. +27 129
>Peter_Kougi: AEGLQTY 14E TAL.Q +16 239
#note Quackle probably lukes keeping the Q here because of the 4 unseen Us

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best 13C LEGAT(O) 33 95.33% QY

6.70 4G LEGA(C)Y 26 93.75% QT

3.18 3J T(A)LAQ 28 93.68% EGY

4.13 14G Q(A)T 12 93.61% AEGLY

5.58 13C TYG 27 93.55% AELQ

8.42 13C LEY 22 93.29% AGQT

7.02 M8 QAT(S) 14 92.98% EGLY

8.61 14G T(A)LAQ 16 92.97% EGY

7.31 J1 QAT 16 92.87% EGLY

9.50 13C LYE 25 92.83% AGQT

14.5*14E TAL(A)Q 16 91.39% EGY

>Tony_Hunt: DI 15D DI +7 136
>Peter_Kougi: EGIMRUY 8K .URGY +33 272
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8K (D)URGY 33 97.68% EIM

8.02 3H GUR(A)MI 20 97.52% EY

6.27 8K (D)EGUM 30 97.22% IYR

6.28 3J G(A)UMY 22 97.12% EIR

6.77 J5 YUM 23 97.02% EGIR

5.98 10L GUY 21 97.01% EIMR

5.39 3J M(A)GUEY 24 96.99% IR

10.1 3H YUG(A)RIE 24 96.99% M

5.23 B7 YUM 21 96.85% EGIR

5.36 13C MY 31 96.79% EGIUR

>Tony_Hunt: ??ACILT O1 LoCAlIT. +86 222
>Peter_Kougi: EEIKMUV N6 KE. +36 308
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
0.453 B3 MIEVE 22 89.32% KU

best N4 EEK 36 88.90% MUIV

0.474*N6 KE(G) 36 88.43% MUIVE

1.57 13L KIEV 29 88.38% MUE

3.98 B6 VIE 20 87.62% KMUE

4.23 10L VUM 22 86.96% KEIE

5.20 10L EUK 22 86.80% MIVE

4.15 B11 E(R)UV 16 86.74% KMIE

6.97 10L KUE 18 86.65% MIVE

7.13 10L MIKE 27 86.47% UVE

>Tony_Hunt: AEHILST B2 HALITES +80 302
>Peter_Kougi: AEIMOUV A1 OUMA +33 341
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *A1 OUMA 33 69.73% VIE

6.57 A1 VUM 33 62.89% OAIE

8.00 4H VOI(C)E 28 61.37% UMA

8.17 M7 V(R)OU(S) 23 60.95% MAIE

8.83 A1 VOE 25 60.32% UMAI

11.5 3I MI(A)OU 20 57.65% AVE

11.7 A1 VOM 33 57.55% UAIE

13.2 4G VOMI(C)A 28 56.55% UE

14.0 4G VOMI(C)AE 30 55.33% U

15.1 4A O(L)IVE 18 54.23% UMA

>Tony_Hunt: EGHP L1 PEGH +43 345
>Peter_Kougi: EILUUVW J3 VILE +30 371
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
4.07*J3 VILE 30 53.79% UWU

21.3 J3 LIEU 24 45.83% VWU

7.58 3A (MA)ULVI 22 43.94% EWU

8.15 3A (MA)UVE 20 43.18% ILWU

9.79 J1 LIVE 24 43.18% UWU

best J3 WILE 30 42.80% VUU

8.89 J1 WIVE 27 42.58% LUU

3.54 J3 VIE 23 41.67% LUWU

27.2 10L VIEW 20 36.36% LUU

5.04 J2 EVIL 26 35.23% UWU

>Tony_Hunt: EOOZ C5 OOZE +54 399
>Peter_Kougi: JNNTUUW D3 JUN +23 394
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *D3 JUN 23 NTUW

6.81 3A (MA)WN 18 JNTUU

9.32 D3 NUN 9 JTUW

19.0 C12 (E)WT 12 JNNUU

19.8 6B (TO)WN 7 JNTUU

21.1 2N J(o) 16 NNTUUW

22.2 3A (MA)UN 12 JNTUW

26.3 D4 UN 7 JNTUW

26.9 10L TUN 10 JNUW

27.3 6F WUNN(ER) 17 JTU

>Tony_Hunt: EEEGNNO E1 NEON +15 414
>Peter_Kougi: NRTUW C12 .WT +12 406
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
4.00 10L TURN 11 W

4.00 10L RUNT 11 W

7.00 10L RUT 10 NW

7.00 10L NUT 10 RW

7.00 10L NUR 10 TW

7.00 2E (E)WT 14 NRU

9.00*C12 (E)WT 12 NRU

10.0 10L TUN 10 RW

10.0 10L RUN 10 TW

10.0 3D (JO)W 13 NRTU

>Tony_Hunt: EEG 10L GEE +12 426
>Tony_Hunt: (NRU) +6 432
Player 2
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