Player 1 |
#player1 Quak Quak
#player2 Hebdomad Hebdomad
>Quak: CDIINT 8H INDICT +24 24
>Hebdomad: EFLNOOQ K7 Q. +11 11
#note FLOE 7G simmed best.
>Quak: AARTV L8 .RAVAT +22 46
>Hebdomad: EFLNOOR 10J FO.L +15 26
#note Bad, bad miss. Do you see the high-prob bingo?
>Quak: BGNNSTU H4 BUNT.NGS +64 110
#note Playing the bingo would have taken his I away.
>Hebdomad: DEGNOOR 8H ......ED +36 62
#note Wrong extension. Should have been -OR, not -ED.
>Quak: AIILO 11C AIOLI. +12 122
>Hebdomad: FGKNOOR F10 K.OOF +30 92
>Quak: AGILNT 4F TA.LING +20 142
>Hebdomad: GNRRSXZ G3 Z.X +38 130
>Quak: OOOO -OOOO +0 142
>Hebdomad: GNPRRRS C10 P.RR +12 142
#note GNARR or PRANG are better plays through the A.
>Quak: ER 4D RE....... +24 166
#note I was pretty sure this was phony, but let it go because I was about to take control of this game. Should have trusted my judgment and swatted it off.
>Hebdomad: AAGINRS 15F SANGRIA +90 232
>Quak: AE 9H .AE +14 180
>Hebdomad: EEHIMSU N6 HU. +14 246
#note Ugh. If you want to shut it down, then really shut it down! HUMID O4.
>Quak: AE 14I AE +11 191
>Hebdomad: ACEEIMS N10 SEMIC +32 278
#note A phony. I felt very confident it would stick, and luckily it did. But had I seen SAICE, I'd have played that in the same spot.
>Quak: OTW 12A WO.T +26 217
>Hebdomad: ADEHNTV A12 .AVE +30 308
>Quak: BEE K2 BE.E +12 229
>Hebdomad: DHNRTUY E2 HU.D +16 324
#note Finally, a clever play. Killed bingo lines and set me up for nice points next turn (2B - 2F).
>Quak: EM F1 EM +23 252
>Hebdomad: NOORTUY 2K .URY +18 342
#note Killing lines at the cost of rack balance. Quak likes 13H OY best.
>Quak: DEOP 1F .PODE +24 276
>Hebdomad: EINOOTW D4 .EWIN +12 354
#note One of several plays that kills the last threatening bingo line.
>Quak: ??EILSY 13F .ILY +23 299
>Hebdomad: JOOT 6B JO. +29 383
>Quak: ??ES 7A EoS.n +15 314
>Quak: (OT) +4 318