Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Puneet Puneet
#player2 JD JD
>Puneet: CDEK 8E DECK +22 22
>Puneet: EGLU E4 GLUE. +14 36
>JD: ACDFMOW H13 WOF +34 105
>Puneet: AMPU D1 PUMA +28 64
>JD: ?ACDGMR F7 D.CAGRaM +74 179
>Puneet: INTUY C3 UNITY +36 100
>JD: ADOOQTT B1 QAT +29 208
#note had genuine doubt about TUM being good
>Puneet: EIOZ 1D .IEZO +48 148
>JD: ADINOOT 2F DOO +28 236
#note this is a great rack for 8s, but none play
>Puneet: ABDEOS 15A ABODES +47 195
#note ADOBES for 3 more
>JD: AAILNTW 14A LAW +27 263
>Puneet: BIIJNSV -BII +0 195
>JD: AINNRST 10F .NT.ARINS +63 326
>JD: ABEHJNV (challenge) +5 331
#note he challenged because of his rack
>Puneet: EIILNPT B5 PI +14 209
#note I blocked TRIPLINE - bad luck for him
>Puneet: AEIILNT K7 INE.TIAL +66 275
>JD: AEEFNVX D12 VEN. +23 411
#note I played this eyeing a shot at FAIX at L12 for 58. now, I would probably rather play VEENA at L4 to increase my chance of picking up the blank and disrupt some bingos.
>Puneet: GUY B10 YUG +30 305
#note I played AXONE instead of AXION in order to try to block row 3 bingos. I do indeed block about half of his bingos. the other path is to play FOXIE at L7 and maximize my own chances of bingoing, but he may have kept the good tiles after YUG.
>Puneet: ?EELRST J1 LETtERS +63 368
#note I'm pretty sure he should fish an L and take a shot at PIEZOMETRIES here! if I get extremely confused I could even lose?!
>JD: EFHIOOV N10 .HIVOO +24 466
>JD: UNKNOWN (challenge) +5 471
#note the I was in the bag, so PIEZOMETRIES could've been in order!
>Puneet: I H8 .I. +9 377
>Puneet: (EF) +10 387
Player 2
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