Player 1 |
#player1 W W
#player2 Jason Jason
>W: IINORTW 8G WINO +14 14
>Jason: DDGOY 9H DODGY +21 21
>W: ILNRRTT H4 NITR.. +8 22
#note I have made some overly aggro plays against Jason in the past to open boards up but I think this one is okay.
>Jason: ACNR 7J CARN +13 34
>W: IILORTT K9 .RIOT +12 34
#note Shrug, not sure on this one.
>Jason: DELORST 5D STOL.DER +86 120
>W: AEEFILT 6F FA.E +33 67
>Jason: AARU 8L AURA +24 144
>Jason: AEEIY 10D AIYEE +24 168
>W: ?GGOSUW L12 WOG +26 182
>Jason: AESTZ 15H ZETAS +54 222
>W: ?GILSUU N10 ULU +15 197
#note Tempting to play D2 ULUS or something crazy, but I decided to chill out and take a safer route.
>Jason: ADIMX 4K ADMIX +48 270
>W: ?AEGISS D1 GlAS.IES +72 269
#note Darn, I didn't think to look for underlaps that didn't go all the way to NITRIDE...LIGASES is a bit better.
>Jason: EIL O1 ILE. +33 303
>W: EEFHNPR 11E FEH +38 307
#note Not sure why not 3K.
>Jason: EJPU 2B JU.EP +38 341
>W: CEENPQR 11J Q. +11 318
#note So little help for my Q in the unseen pool.
>Jason: IOV 2L VIO. +14 355
>W: CEENPRT C7 NE +8 326
#note Have to play PATEN here. Drawing the blank and any other letter wins, as opposed to my play, where I'm going for specifically O? for the auto win (PORRECT/PROTECTOR on separate parts of the board). A creative idea, but really unncessary. Given the contents of the bag, the point was moot.
>Jason: ?BHKNOV I12 HOV. +11 366
>Jason: ?BKN A10 BoNK +15 381
>Jason: (B) +6 387