Player 1 |
#player1 W W
#player2 Matthew Matthew
>W: DDFGMOR 8G FORD +16 16
#note Close with FROG, which I almost did.
>Matthew: AAILNSZ 9F ZA +18 18
>W: ?DGIMTU K2 MIDGUTs +78 94
>Matthew: AIN 10F ANI +24 42
>W: FGLOQSY 11H FOGY +27 121
#note Thought about FOGS, FLOGS, etc. - I liked FOGY because I was anticipating a one-two punch of a Q play through MIDGUTS and then an IFS hooking play. Quackle agrees that I bingo most frequently on my second turn after FOGY, but thinks I'm simply passing up too many points compared to 11C FLOGS.
>Matthew: ELTV 4H VEL.T +26 68
>W: EHILQST 6J Q.ILT +36 157
>Matthew: ABLOSX O1 BOXLAS +63 131
>W: CEGHPST 11D PEG +25 182
#note ECOGIFT is beautiful and a smidge better than PEG.
>Matthew: AEW N1 AWE +35 166
>W: CCHISTV 12B CHITS +44 226
#note Almost did VEX - the CCHIST leave is surprisingly good. The problem is that it doesn't play anywhere on the board. Maybe Matthew will play through H1 and give me hooks for HECTICS/CHICOTS? I think CHITS is fine.
>Matthew: EINOR H1 REN.OI +27 193
>W: CKNPUVW 3M V.. +26 252
#note An extremely uninspiring play, but what else?
>Matthew: ?HNOORS 2B ScHOON.R +74 267
>W: CKNPTUW E1 C.WPUNK +36 288
>Matthew: EILO B10 LO.IE +18 285
>W: ADDJMNT A13 TAJ +34 322
>Matthew: EE K10 E.E +6 291
>W: ADDMNOS 8A DADOS +43 365
>Matthew: EE 3E .EE. +13 304
>W: EIMNUUY M5 U.U +4 369
#note Not a good idea. I can't take just 4 points here and not block anything. I can either block somehow, or play somethingl ike 13A TIME, scoring well and keeping my Y to score with next turn and outrun any bingo he might have.
>Matthew: AA F6 AA +14 318
>W: EEIIMNY 12I MI.N +19 388
#note A good block, but 13H MEINIE blocks just as well and keeping just a Y is far more flexible in the endgame.
>Matthew: ABEINRR 13J BRAN +27 345
>W: EEIRTY 14L YETI +22 410
#note 14F EYRIE 3 better
>Matthew: EIR 14H IRE +14 359
>Matthew: (ER) +4 363