Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Nicholas_Tam Nicholas Tam
>Joshua_Sokol: ADFINRY H4 FAIRY +30 30
#note FRY might work out better, JOSTLERS and JETFOILS still play though
>Nicholas_Tam: ?EJLOST 6D JOLl.EST +68 68
#note luckily JETFOILS was missed
>Joshua_Sokol: DHLLNUY 4H .ULLY +22 52
#note UNH(O)LY is by far the best equity but runs into huge snapback plays to the Y
>Nicholas_Tam: FKR E5 F.RK +22 90
#note he would have had a huge play the the Y, not sure if it was FORKY though
>Joshua_Sokol: BDEGHLN I3 H.G. +15 67
#note a waiting play. See what he does, maybe I draw a bingo at G8
>Nicholas_Tam: BNU G8 BUN +13 103
>Joshua_Sokol: BDEILNX 8A BLIN. +36 103
>Nicholas_Tam: ENO 3K EON +13 116
>Joshua_Sokol: CDDEEWX 7B EX +36 139
#note DEWED 11C would be better, didn't see the word for some reason so I cashed my setup. Maybe I get CUDWEED or CROWDED
>Nicholas_Tam: AITW 11D WAIT +20 136
>Joshua_Sokol: CDDETUW 12A DUCE +28 167
#note CUED is 1 less but doesn't seet Nicholas up on the triple. Not sure I thought about it. 12C WED also sims better.
>Nicholas_Tam: MOO A12 .OOM +21 157
>Joshua_Sokol: ACDIPTW 2L CAW +26 193
#note missing B2 CITAD(EL) to keep things a bit more under control. Given that play this is completely unnecessary.
>Nicholas_Tam: IIIII -IIIII +0 157
>Joshua_Sokol: DIPPQTT B11 Q.IP +40 233
>Nicholas_Tam: DEV 10A DEV +27 184
>Joshua_Sokol: DEIOPTT 13D TIPTOED +68 301
>Nicholas_Tam: EHR H12 H.ER +33 217
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEORST 1M ROE +17 318
#note I didn't deserve ROSEATE after TIPTOED. I was concerned with column O at this point but it's OK to go for spread and fish with 12H (H)OE.
>Nicholas_Tam: AEGU 12J AGUE +13 230
>Joshua_Sokol: AAAESTZ 14J ZETAS +101 419
#note weird draw and super lucky turn of events.
>Nicholas_Tam: AG F4 GA. +9 239
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEIIRS 15L ARIA +22 441
>Nicholas_Tam: ?DEIORS N6 DInEROS +69 308
#note smart decision to block the likelier bingo spot.
>Joshua_Sokol: EIINOST 8J INTI.E +18 459
#note blocking VANM(E)N but I guess I don't really have to.
>Nicholas_Tam: AMNNV 6A AM +21 329
#note the best play is MINA! #Americans
>Joshua_Sokol: OS 9D OS +16 475
>Joshua_Sokol: (NNV) +12 487
Player 2
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