Player 1 |
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Dan_Milton Dan Milton
>Sam: ADEGORR 8G GOR +8 8
#note Or ORG
>Dan_Milton: AMU 7G AMU +18 18
>Sam: ADEIIMR 9G AID +23 31
>Dan_Milton: NPW F9 PWN +23 41
>Sam: EEGILMR 11D ME.G +14 45
#note Yuck, I didn't recognize or notice the URDE# hook at all. LEG is the play there. MINGLE and other plays are better here too.
>Dan_Milton: BEOSX 12A BOXES +44 85
>Sam: EIILNRW 13B WIN +40 85
>Dan_Milton: EEGO 12G OGEE +10 95
>Sam: EFIILRU 13I FLUIER +37 122
>Dan_Milton: ACHI 11J CHAI +23 118
>Sam: AAEILOR E3 OLEARIA +72 194
>Dan_Milton: AEJK D1 JAKE +56 174
>Sam: ??ADEIT 1D .ADEITes +92 286
#note Didn't see JEhADIsT, but this sims just as well. I spent quite a while looking for triple-triples.
>Dan_Milton: ATY F4 TAY +32 206
>Sam: ADEINNV N9 VIN +18 304
#note Missing a ton of better plays such as NAEVI and DIVNA#/DIVAN, as I was low on time now.
>Dan_Milton: IOV 9L VI.O +11 217
>Sam: ADELNTU O6 TAL.NED +43 347
>Dan_Milton: BFORS 2J FORBS +49 266
>Sam: CHLRTUY 3G CULTY +24 371
#note WINTRY is nice! CHOWRY# has highest equity but needlessly opens a triple-triple.
>Dan_Milton: Q M8 Q. +11 277
>Sam: HNPRSTT 6I NTH +13 384
>Dan_Milton: DEOOSUZ 5K OOZE +36 313
>Sam: NPRSSTU B10 PR..S +32 416
#note PRUNTS#, SPURTS, UPTOWNS, dot dot dot...
>Dan_Milton: DEEIR 14L DEER +19 332
#note I needed to block EIDER/MENE# but he didn't see it
>Sam: NSTU 14G NUTS +20 436
#note UNSEAT
>Sam: (I) +2 438