Game Details
Player 1
#player1 maddy maddy
#player2 Cesar Cesar
>maddy: DRY 8F DRY +14 14
>Cesar: EEGNOSU G4 GENE.OUS +61 61
>maddy: ?ADGINR 5E tR.ADING +86 100
>Cesar: AACELPT 11D CAP. +16 77
#note i don't know why i make plays like this. what about simple stuff at 4J like PEAL/PEAT/etc. i spent a long time being annoyed that PLACATE or PLACENTA or everything was blocked or didn't fit. still this is kinda close i guess
>maddy: ITZ J2 ZIT. +33 133
>Cesar: AAELSTT 4L AT +10 87
#note after hitting my clock i got mad at myself for missing SALTATE# but it's collins, oops!! D10 ACT does what i am trying to do better.
>maddy: IIIII -IIIII +0 133
>Cesar: AELLPST D8 PLA.ET +26 113
#note OK, but i think i like D11 CLAP more.
>maddy: DJOU 6B JUDO +29 162
>Cesar: ABELOSW 13C S.OWABLE +80 193
>maddy: DEHINN 14J HINNED +49 211
#note nice phony, it's too hard for me to challenge in this situation. i really hated this play though, and did not remember "hinning" at all.
>Cesar: AAEEHIO 2J .OEAE +28 221
>maddy: OTW 1M TOW +22 233
>Cesar: ACEHI O11 CHI.E +45 266
#note don't know what my last two tiles were
>maddy: AFIT H1 TAFI. +31 264
>Cesar: AAEILOU H12 O.IA +21 287
>maddy: NV 10C V.N +8 272
>Cesar: AEILRUY 8A YAU. +27 314
>maddy: S J2 ....S +16 288
>Cesar: EILMRRX L12 MI.X +42 356
#note well, i still gotta play this and hope she doesn't hit the triple :/
>maddy: IINORST 1B INTROI.S +59 347
>Cesar: EELQRRU 15E EQU.L +14 370
#note probably right?
>maddy: EF 2E EF +28 375
>Cesar: ?BELMRR 3B BERM +21 391
#note sheesh this is a bad place to play it, she had KORE 4A! if it wasn't for the V i would lose to this! K9 BERM is better!
>maddy: EGKORV K8 GROVE +22 397
>Cesar: ?LR 4A LaR +8 399
#note didn't realize she was K stuck.
>Cesar: (K) +10 409
Player 2
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