Player 1 |
#player1 Cesar Cesar
#player2 eric_tran eric tran
>Cesar: ACEFMNR 8D FACER +28 28
#note FARCE takes a R and a D and an S but it's still better than FACER by a tiny bit. (0.4 pts?)
>eric_tran: ACILOUV D8 .AUVIC +28 28
#note this is one of the worst phonies i have EVER let go. allow me to explain what happened. he played this and i immediately hold. i've been playing literati since 2000, and online scrabble since 2003, and surely a word this ugly would have come up at least once before. i also recently went through most of the high point 6s (although not all of them, crucially), but i did also go through the new 6s when they came out. were this any other player, i immediately challenge this off, but fauvic MUST BE NEW AND I FORGOT. there has to be some reason eric played this word, he can't just make up a dumb phony like BLARGH. Ok - this is what I'll do - I'll look at my watch, and if the seconds hand is NOT in the last 3 quarters of the clock, i challenge -- Eric laughed as i looked at my clock. Unfortunately, it was in second 52 or something and I told him "you're lucky... I accept". don't play phonies on me! from his point of view, this ugly rack actually works with 4 letters.
>Cesar: ?AMNNNR 7G MAN +18 46
#note wish i remembered MANNAN. E7 NAN is also better than my play.
>eric_tran: AAEJLOS 11B JA.A +28 56
>Cesar: ?DGNNRU 12D .NGRoUND +61 107
#note eric held me on this play for a long time. apparently he was trying to get me to hook an S on it. i missed NoNDRUG/MANo and chickened out on UNGRoUND, which also doesn't take an S.
>eric_tran: ?ELNOST 6G ETaLONS +67 123
>Cesar: IIORSTT L5 I.TROITS +88 195
>Cesar: IIORSTT -- -88 107
#note sigh nice challenge
>eric_tran: EEILORW 5K WOE +26 149
>Cesar: IIORSTT 4K TITI +23 130
>eric_tran: DEILRWY H11 R.WDY +33 182
>Cesar: BEOORST O1 BOOSTER +86 216
#note this is annoying
>eric_tran: ABEEIKL 14E BEA.LIKE +69 251
>Cesar: AEHNPUY 15A HEAPY +55 271
#note I should not be missing 15L HYPE.. it's slightly better than HEAPY.
>eric_tran: ADEIS 8K IDEAS +54 305
>Cesar: GLLNNUX 15L LUNG +21 292
>eric_tran: AEFIIII -OOOOU +0 305
>Cesar: DLNRSTX 10C N.RD +14 306
#note L(A)X actually sims best.. the bag is vowel heavy. i should be more aggressive.
>eric_tran: AEHMOQT 9I QAT +24 329
>Cesar: EELOSTX 11K EX +24 330
#note i still don't know what is right here. Eric told me i should play EXTOLS M8 and i wanted to play EXTOLS but it sims so much lower than my play, and i knew it would. Scrabble is about taking chances, right? if i do EXTOLS, it does put me ahead, but he can still score a lot and close the board with something in row 5 like ZOOM or J9 AZON. although i suppose if i draw the Z i'm in great shape. what do you guys think? EXTOLS is about 16 pts behind EX.
>eric_tran: EHIMOOZ 10L OOZE +42 371
#note close to worst case scenario here.
>Cesar: EGLOOST 2L LOG. +10 340
#note the beautiful J3 GO here is the play. i had OTITIS in mind at some point earlier and i forgot about it.
>eric_tran: EFHIIMV 5E VIM +24 395
>Cesar: EIIOPST 1H PITIES +32 372
>eric_tran: EFHIRU 2G RIFE +22 417
>Cesar: O B11 .O +9 381
>Cesar: (HU) +10 391