Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Joey Joey
>Mack: LUV H7 LUV +12 12
>Joey: EGIIINX I3 GENII +12 12
>Mack: AOZ H1 ZOA +39 51
>Joey: DEHIPUX G2 PHI +27 39
>Mack: ILRV 4I .RVIL +16 67
>Joey: ADEMOUX J7 DOUX +32 71
>Mack: CNOU K10 UNCO +21 88
>Joey: ADEIMOY M2 ME.ODY +32 103
#note Forgot about UNCO/Y, making MYOID the play.
>Mack: W 8J .W +5 93
>Joey: ?AAEGIT F4 AGItATE +63 166
#note AGATIZE is slightly better defensively.
>Mack: ENRSTTU E8 NUTTERS +70 163
>Joey: ADEFILR 2J FIL.ED +40 206
>Mack: AEEO 1H .OEAE +25 188
>Joey: ARRRSTY 12D R.TRY +24 230
>Mack: EF 1N FE +29 217
>Joey: AEEHRST N5 HEATERS +79 309
>Mack: AMN O7 MAN +31 248
>Joey: BDLNPTW 13I BL.WN +26 335
>Mack: IQ 14C QI. +12 260
>Joey: ACDKNPT D7 CAP +17 352
#note KNAP makes consonantitis a little less likely.
>Mack: BO G12 .OB +6 266
>Joey: DGJKNST 15F TSK +27 379
>Mack: EO 12J E.O +22 288
>Joey: ADGIJNO 15A JOIN +50 429
#note DJIN for a few more spread points.
>Mack: ?AEIRS 5A EARIn.S +23 311
>Mack: (ADG) +10 321
Player 2
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