Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peeber_Bear Peeber Bear
#player2 Andrew_Fisher Andrew Fisher
>Peeber_Bear: AIIKLNT 8H TILAK +28 28
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8H TILAK 28 56.10% IN

0.307 8D KAINIT 30 56.01% L

4.82 8H ILK 14 54.05% TAIN

5.38 8F ILK 14 53.76% TAIN

6.62 8G ILK 14 53.23% TAIN

7.00 8G KIT 14 53.10% LAIN

7.06 8G TIK 14 53.06% LAIN

7.11 8H ILKA 16 52.99% TIN

7.30 8G ILKA 16 52.95% TIN

7.87 8G KI 12 52.73% TLAIN

>Andrew_Fisher: Q I7 Q. +21 21
>Peeber_Bear: AEIINOP 9B EPINAOI +65 93
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *9B EPINAOI 65 71.98%

>Andrew_Fisher: BEGHHOT 10F HOGH +38 59
>Peeber_Bear: AAERSWY K5 ARE.WAYS +106 199
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *K5 ARE(A)WAYS 106 93.59%

27.3 K3 AREAW(A)YS 78 88.26%

27.4 K8 (A)REAWAYS 78 87.71%

>Andrew_Fisher: BEETTUX 5F EXTUB.TE +67 126
>Peeber_Bear: BCILNNO 11C COLIN +23 222
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best 8D BON 23 86.51% CLIN

2.50 11D BLIN 21 86.46% CON

3.17 H1 CLIN(T) 24 86.05% OBN

2.90 D8 B(I)ONIC 26 86.02% LN

5.87 11C CONIN 23 85.58% LB

3.41 8D BIN 23 85.43% COLN

6.66 6B CONIN 19 85.21% LB

10.7*11C COLIN 23 84.70% BN

7.35 D8 N(I)OBIC 22 84.70% LN

6.89 10A BLIN 18 84.55% CON

>Andrew_Fisher: JUV B6 JUV. +30 156
>Peeber_Bear: ?BEENNV H1 EVEN. +27 249
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
3.83 M2 VEN(E)NE 20 94.62% B?

1.59*H1 EVEN(T) 27 94.41% BN?

7.43 D11 (O)VEN 14 93.53% BEN?

8.59 F2 VEN(E)NE 19 93.53% B?

7.46 F4 E(E)VN 15 93.42% BEN?

7.99 M3 EV(E)N 14 93.27% BEN?

7.52 4C BENNE 25 93.27% V?

best 4L EEVN 22 93.22% BN?

9.17 F4 N(E)VE 15 93.08% BEN?

4.87 L1 EVEN(T) 18 92.80% BN?

>Andrew_Fisher: AGLOP C3 GALOP +38 194
>Peeber_Bear: ?ABCNSU 1B UNBrAC.S +64 313
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best N5 SUNBACk 86 98.69%

2.20 N5 SUBClAN 82 98.45%

2.54 M8 SUNBACk 82 98.27%

2.95 M8 SUBClAN 82 98.03%

19.1 1C ABdUC(E)NS 64 96.65%

22.0 1C SUBoC(E)AN 62 96.40%

23.4 D1 SCUBA 33 96.30% N?

21.4*1B UNBrAC(E)S 64 96.07%

23.9 D4 NAB 28 96.01% UCS?

27.2 N2 BACS 34 95.98% UN?

>Andrew_Fisher: ADGO D4 DAGO +36 230
>Peeber_Bear: DFFMORS 3G D.FORMS +38 351
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
0.904 N2 FORDS 41 98.34% FM

2.55 N1 FORMS 38 98.27% DF

0.668 M3 FR(E)MDS 38 98.27% FO

1.81 N2 FORD 35 98.25% FMS

1.46 N1 DOFFS 42 98.20% MR

best *3G D(E)FORMS 38 98.19% F

3.48 N1 FORDS 36 98.09% FM

3.06 M1 FORM(E)D 24 97.93% FS

2.99 M1 DOFF(E)R 26 97.88% MS

7.70 M3 FR(E)MD 26 97.71% FOS

>Andrew_Fisher: EEEF 12H FEE.E +24 254
>Peeber_Bear: DEIRRTZ H12 .RIZ +48 399
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *H12 (F)RIZ 48 99.83% DERT

10.1 N5 DIRT 26 99.79% ZER

12.8 N5 DRIER 27 99.74% ZT

17.7 M9 TRIDE 24 99.68% ZR

15.8 F4 R(E)Z 32 99.65% IDERT

19.4 N5 DIRER 27 99.61% ZT

22.0 6K (R)ITZ 37 99.50% RDER

24.2 H12 (F)RIT 21 99.46% ZDER

24.7 N5 DIT 25 99.35% RZER

23.1 13L RIZ 26 99.30% DERT

>Andrew_Fisher: MW C11 .WM +20 274
>Peeber_Bear: DEIIORT M10 TIDIER +24 423
#note Tiniest doubt about the D hook, didn't need to risk it

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best N5 DIORITE 81 100.0%

48.9*M10 TIDIER 24 100.0% O

>Andrew_Fisher: INORR 14H .RONI.R +18 292
>Peeber_Bear: ADLOTUY 2J YOU +33 456
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
91.7*2J YOU 33 100.0% DTLA

98.0 N4 ODYL 35 100.0% TUA

98.7 2J YU 28 100.0% DOTLA

99.6 2J DUO 21 100.0% TLYA

99.9 N5 DOULA 27 100.0% TY

100. 12A TO(W)Y 32 100.0% DULA

102. 2J YO 28 100.0% DTULA

102. N4 UDAL 26 100.0% OTY

108. N4 ADULT 27 100.0% OY

108. N5 DAULT 27 100.0% OY

>Andrew_Fisher: ?AEEINS 15C AgENI.ES +70 362
>Andrew_Fisher: (ADLTT) +12 374
Player 2
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Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
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