Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Angie_Pearse Angie Pearse
#player2 Peeber_Bear Peeber Bear
>Angie_Pearse: DEEGO H4 GEODE +18 18
>Peeber_Bear: AEINPUV 4C VAPIN. +24 24
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 5C AVENU(E) 18 43.50% IP

0.589 5E UVA(E) 14 43.37% EINP

2.33 G2 UVA 13 42.58% EINP

2.50 G2 UVAE 16 42.43% INP

2.52*4C VAPIN(G) 24 42.36% EU

3.56 4C PAVIN(G) 24 41.98% EU

4.57 5D VENU(E) 16 41.57% AIP

4.66 I3 VIAE 18 41.50% NPU

4.22 I6 NAEVI 21 41.48% PU

6.64 6H (O)UP 11 40.89% AEINV

>Angie_Pearse: LOTX 5H .XTOL +24 42
>Peeber_Bear: EGHSSUU M3 GUSH +29 53
#note I actually saw this word

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best E3 U(P)GUSHES 78 69.67%

42.5*M3 GUSH 29 49.78% UES

>Angie_Pearse: ORT 5D ROT +18 60
>Peeber_Bear: DEIJOSU 6B JUDO +37 90
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *6B JUDO 37 62.26% IES

7.62 6B JEDI 37 58.43% UOS

7.07 6B JUDOS 45 58.42% IE

9.48 3D JUDO 35 57.44% IES

11.8 6A EJIDO 38 56.98% US

12.5 6A EJIDOS 46 55.96% U

12.8 3I JUDO(G)I 23 55.88% ES

13.9 6B JUD 31 54.99% OIES

14.4 6B JEDIS 45 54.74% UO

16.6 G6 JOE 26 53.89% UIDS

>Angie_Pearse: DELM N6 MELD +26 86
>Peeber_Bear: EEEIRSU 8M U.E +9 99
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8M U(L)E 9 59.39% EEIRS

6.86 8L RU(L)E 15 55.36% EEIS

9.66 J4 E(T)UI 6 54.07% EERS

9.82 M9 EERIE 16 53.58% US

11.0 M8 EE 9 53.27% EIRUS

11.5 O7 SIEUR 26 52.87% EE

12.0 3K EU(G)E 5 52.80% EIRS

13.1 6J EE 10 52.29% EIRUS

14.2 B6 (J)EU 10 51.64% EEIRS

14.9 G7 EE 9 51.20% EIRUS

>Angie_Pearse: INY L8 YIN +21 107
>Peeber_Bear: EEIORST 11G EROTISE +71 170
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *11G EROTISE 71 75.26%

5.46 10F SEROTI(N)E 62 72.73%

8.32 9C EROTISE 68 72.00%

11.0 G7 EROTISE 66 69.55%

13.9 I7 EROTISE 66 68.32%

16.0 G8 EROTISE 61 66.97%

19.1 I8 EROTISE 61 65.55%

31.1 L5 (L)O 10 59.26% ERTISE

31.8 6J OE 10 58.69% RTISE

35.8 4L E(U)OI 14 56.61% RTSE

>Angie_Pearse: EITV H11 .IVET +27 134
>Peeber_Bear: AAAEIUY J2 YAU.IA +19 189
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *J2 YAU(T)IA 19 69.69% AE

7.49 J8 YAU(T)IA 11 66.05% AE

10.5 10I YUA(N) 20 64.71% AAEI

12.0 7J AUA 11 64.22% AEIY

12.4 xch AAAEUY 0 62.77% I

14.2 G7 AYU 17 62.62% AAEI

14.2 15E YAU(T)IA 9 62.50% AE

16.2 7J AIA 11 61.39% AEUY

15.7 xch AAAIU 0 61.12% EY

>Angie_Pearse: ABFR 10D BARF +16 150
>Peeber_Bear: AEHIKNR 14B HERNIA. +24 213
#note Played this to turn over for the blanks but the duck doesn't like it

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
2.14 I1 INK 28 83.77% AEHR

4.74 11B KHAN 30 82.65% EIR

best 11A NIKAH 38 82.13% ER

6.98 D8 KE(B)AR 32 80.95% HIN

6.89 I2 AH 23 80.71% EKINR

7.54 E9 H(A)KA 22 80.46% EINR

9.65 D10 (B)EKAH 28 80.13% INR

9.78 7A RAH 28 79.86% EKIN

10.1 11B IKAN 24 79.41% EHR

11.7 E9 H(A)IKA 24 78.92% ENR

16.6*14B HERNIA(E) 24 78.24% K

>Angie_Pearse: ?EIIRSW 15H .WIStIER +80 230
>Peeber_Bear: AAAKPQS 13A KAPA +35 248
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 14J PASKA 57 62.27% QA

12.2*13A KAPA 35 51.01% QAS

17.0 J9 QA(T) 14 47.38% PAKAS

17.3 9C KAPA 25 46.76% QAS

19.5 J14 Q(I) 31 45.00% APAKAS

19.8 11A KAPAS 30 44.20% QA

20.3 14J KAAS 39 44.06% QPA

22.1 D12 PA(R)K 30 42.56% QAAS

23.0 13F KA(V)A 22 42.15% QPAS

22.8 I1 PAK 30 42.07% QAAS

>Angie_Pearse: ?FRZ 15A ZaRF +77 307
>Peeber_Bear: ADEENQS K9 QA.D +27 275
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best A8 SANDE(K) 36 25.15% QE

15.6 11B NEED 20 20.30% QAS

12.2 J14 Q(I) 31 14.85% ADEENS

32.5 N6 (MELD)ED 21 10.61% QAENS

33.1*K9 QA(I)D 27 10.61% EENS

26.0 12E QAD(I) 21 10.15% EENS

30.9 F13 Q(I)N 12 8.333% ADEES

49.7 J9 QA(T) 14 8.333% DEENS

36.5 F12 QA(I)D 14 7.576% EENS

38.9 9K Q(I) 11 6.061% ADEENS

>Angie_Pearse: LOW 11C LOW +26 333
>Peeber_Bear: CEELNST 2I L.E +6 281
#note TYE is better, coz of ST.

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
best A10 NEC(K) 13 21.36% ELST

17.5 13F LE(V) 12 11.36% CENST

14.6 13H (V)ETS 23 10.98% CELN

20.8 10I LE(AN)T 15 9.091% CENS

27.8 13K SEL 21 8.712% CENT

17.4 C2 LE(V) 12 8.333% CENST

11.6 K1 CENT(O) 16 7.576% ELS

14.3 K1 CEL 12 6.818% ENST

18.3 14L ELT 13 6.818% CENS

29.9 10I LE(AN) 12 6.818% CENST

51.1*2I L(Y)E 6 1.515% CENST

>Angie_Pearse: BEGOT 1K BEGOT +31 364
>Peeber_Bear: ACCENST 7A CANST +31 312
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
best A8 STANC(K) 45 CE

9.00 13K SECT 27 ACN

12.0 13K SCAN 27 CET

14.0 13K SCENT 29 AC

14.0 13K SCEAT 29 CN

14.0 N11 SCEN(E) 22 ACT

14.0*7A CANST 31 CE

23.0 7A CAN 18 CETS

28.0 13K SEC 25 ACNT

37.0 N13 CE(E) 10 ACNTS

>Angie_Pearse: IMNNO 14J MOI +24 388
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *N13 CE(E) 10

3.00 C6 (UN)CE 7

4.00 I9 EC(O) 6

5.00 8G C(E)E 5

5.00 8F CE(E) 5

5.00 O1 (T)EC 5

18.0 11B C(LOW) 9 E

19.0 E9 C(AW) 8 E

19.0 D3 C(ARDS) 8 E

#rack2 CE
Player 2
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