Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Avery Avery
#player2 Kevin Kevin
>Avery: EGITUUU -GIUUU +0 0
#note I lost my round 7 scoresheet - I didn't play well but I don't think it was winnable. I have Kevin's racks here. This is my second blown game.
>Kevin: ABDEORT 8C ABORTED +76 76
>Avery: EEHLNRT C6 LE.THERN +76 76
>Kevin: EGIINOR 6C .IGROINE +63 139
>Avery: ACILOSY 12A CO.Y +24 100
#note The best play here scores 43 more points than this does. Also, RACILY is better.
>Kevin: JLMOSVW 11B M.OW +27 166
#note Kevin didn't know if LIGROINE took an S. I think he probably passed it up intentionally.
>Avery: ABEILNS K4 LESBIAN +78 178
>Kevin: JLOSTVZ 11G JOLTS +44 210
>Avery: ?AEGSSU 4H GAl.USES +72 250
#note Haven't quite gotten this far in my 8s review yet. SEAGULLS is way better than this.
>Kevin: ADFNQVZ -DFQV +0 210
>Avery: ELNORTW H11 .WLET +36 286
>Kevin: AADEINZ 3B ZENAIDA +91 301
#note Wtf Kevin
>Avery: EGMNORR 14D MONG.RER +65 351
#note Phoney count: 6. I thought this was good too.
>Kevin: ACEIPUY 15A PACY +56 357
>Avery: AFPRUUV O1 VAU. +21 372
>Kevin: ADEHIIU 4A HADE +42 399
>Avery: ?EFPRTU H1 FR.. +24 396
#note 14A UP.
>Kevin: DIIIOOU -IIIOU +0 399
>Avery: ?EPTUVX 15K EXPaT +65 461
#note 3L XU.
>Kevin: ADIKNOQ F2 Q. +31 430
>Avery: FIIOTUV L7 IF +22 483
#note ...and then I score this as 20.
>Kevin: ADIIKNO 13J AIKIDO +27 457
#note Great play by Kevin, going for one of the two U's. I doesn't actually win in theory, but it's still a great play.
>Avery: EIIOTUV N9 IVIE. +17 500
#note I put down OUTVIED and thought it looked weird as hell, so I picked it up and changed it to this. And I had no idea what was about to hit me.
>Kevin: NU 8A UN....... +36 493
#note What a shitty feeling to blow a game on such a high probability word. I was too upset with myself to recount, and if I had done so, I would have won. I need to have better emotional control than that, but kudos to Kevin for a well played pre-endgame. I didn't deserve this one at all. Not ashamedl to call it a loss after playing CORY, chickening out of a top 2500 seven, and messing up the pre-endgame, but I should be better than that. I vowed to focus better for day 2, knowing I'd have some tough games ahead.
>Kevin: (OTU) +6 499
Player 2
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