Player 1 |
#player1 Carl Carl
#player2 Wally Wally
>Carl: ?AEGIPY 8G YAGI +16 16
#note GAPY 8E sims best. (-2)
>Wally: CN H7 C.N +5 5
>Carl: ??EILOP K5 PLOsIvE +86 102
#note Alright, both blanks. I'm so lucky. Let's just coast to a nice easy victory from here.
>Wally: ENORSST 12H TENSORS +74 79
>Carl: AERRRUW 11E RAWER +20 122
#note UW combos: 11. Correct play is TURR H12. (-2)
>Wally: DILO D9 LIDO +20 99
>Carl: AEFMRUY M9 FUR.Y +30 152
#note Be quiet, Zamez. I'm peremptorily glowering at you right now. I mean it. Do not go there.
>Wally: BIO L4 BIO +16 115
#note See, James Leong often levels the completely baseless allegation that I am active in the furry community. It's a hilarious running gag, but there isn't any truth to it-- not even a whisker.
>Carl: AAEGMOT N8 GAME. +31 183
#note Sim winner is M3 MAGOT (-7). Boy howdy, would that have changed things. As a result of this mistake, just look at what happens next.
>Wally: BIM O7 MIB +38 153
#note Turn on some Wagnerian valkyrie music for the full effect.
>Carl: AEEEKOT 10F KA +37 220
#note Sim winner is KENO 9F, followed by KETO/KEET M3. (-2)
>Wally: ANQTU M2 QUANT +40 193
#note Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, and so on.
>Carl: EEEJNOT C7 JOE +22 242
#note I saw the plays at C12 but liked what this did to the board. At the time, anyway. (-6?)
>Wally: EHP N4 PEH +44 237
>Carl: EEEGNRT 8A EG. +12 254
#note Just like that, my lead has evaporated, and there is no way to score. If I had an A, I'd have TOGA J7... but I don't. GERENT B9 gives back a huge hotspot, but ends up winning the sim just because there's nothing else to do with this trash. (-5)
>Wally: FLOSS O1 FLOSS +43 280
#note Ouchy wowee!
>Carl: EENORTT B8 .ET +9 263
#note AARRRGH these tiles! At least now there are no more scoring spots for Wally, right?
>Wally: ACEITV A10 ACTIVE +38 318
#note GRRRRRR!!!!!!....... That was just an ordinary angry noise. Not a leopard noise. I'm NOT a furry, okay? James is a lion. A liar. James is a liar, I meant.
>Carl: DENORTX 14A .ORTEX +64 327
#note AHA! Back in business. Finally something goes right.
>Wally: DITZ 15E DITZ +54 372
>Carl: AADHNVW 13H AVA +25 352
>Wally: AEU 14J EAU +10 382
#note For those of you keeping track, Wally scored 257 points over those last six turns, with no bingos.
>Carl: DHINRUW 15L HIND +45 397
#note UW combos: 12.
>Wally: DEILNNO D4 LINO +17 399
>Carl: RUW 7C ..W +13 410
#note Even if I were a furry, which I'm not, how would James even know? It's not like I've ever seen him at the conventions. Because I've never been to one.
>Wally: DEN E5 DE. +22 421
#note And even if I had been to one, how would he recognize me in my skintight leopard costume that I don't even have because I'm not a furry? He couldn't! So don't listen to him.
>Carl: RU O13 UR. +4 414
#note I have a skintight leper costume, but it keeps falling off.
>Carl: (N) +2 416