Player 1 |
#player1 Jack_Overby Jack Overby
#player2 Tom_Kowalik Tom Kowalik
>Jack_Overby: BDEIIRV 8D VERBID +32 32
#note Duh.
>Tom_Kowalik: ?EELNPS H3 SLEEP.Ng +60 60
#note Tim saw PENSILE and others, but luckily for me, he was unsure of VERBIDS. It does look pretty adjectivey.
>Jack_Overby: AAIOUVW C6 AVOW +31 63
#note I considered this and 7C VOW 31. My choice was best. I could get hammered at B6, but AIU >> AAIU. 4C AVOWAL 24 sims close.
>Tom_Kowalik: ACW D4 CAW +21 81
>Jack_Overby: ADEGIUU B2 AGUED +33 96
#note Comfortably best. One of the few new 5s I've got down pat ;-) Second place F4 AUGURED 17 is a nice rack cleaner, though.
>Tom_Kowalik: MU A1 UM +16 97
>Jack_Overby: AINOOTU 7G A.O +16 112
#note A tricky play that I apparently slightly misjudged. I8 DUO 9 is best and sims 3-4% better, but I'm not sure. AINOT > INOTU, but not by 7 points. Plus, that 10F spot is begging to get pounded. I'm alright with this.
>Tom_Kowalik: BU 10F BU. +10 107
>Jack_Overby: INORTUY C2 YO +24 136
#note Glad to see this sims best, but it didn't feel very good to play. Best of a bad lot, I reckon.
>Tom_Kowalik: OS D1 SO +12 119
#note Interesting!
>Jack_Overby: EINRTUZ 1D .IZER +42 178
#note Clear best. 5D AZURE 28 keeps a much nicer leave, but ain't worth it.
>Tom_Kowalik: EFN 11E FEN +18 137
>Jack_Overby: AEIMNTU 12A MINUET +32 210
#note It was either this or fish a U. I only saw 3G US 3; had I seen F8 RUBE 6, I might have done it. This sims best, but I missed 12D MANITU 31, which seems clearly better. I got extremely fortunate here, as you will see...
>Tom_Kowalik: ?DEILST J8 STILlED +77 214
#note Ouch. Tom asked me (during the game haha, as coffeehousing at this club is not only acceptable but expected) if I saw any triple-triples. I broke the news to him, and his palm went right to his face. He'd seen the word, and even written it down (which he showed me), but was unsure of it. An enormous turning point!
>Jack_Overby: AAGHIRT A7 GRAHA. +36 246
#note I had THIRAM laid down, until I spotted this. It is indeed best, by about 2%. Regardless, I'm technically an underdog here.
>Tom_Kowalik: IQ 3F QI. +13 227
#note Interesting choice of this over I3 QI for 2 more.
>Jack_Overby: IJRSTTT 6G J.T +26 272
#note Duh.
>Tom_Kowalik: EILN J3 LINE +19 246
>Jack_Overby: IINRSTT E5 IT +16 288
#note Weirdly, E5 INTER 22, which I'd noticed on a previous turn, sims best by over 2%. K10 TI 10 also does better, which makes a lot of sense. sense, as it sets up my case S (10K IT/S).
>Tom_Kowalik: HOY I13 HOY +25 271
>Jack_Overby: INOPRST 15D POINT. +42 330
#note I contemplated this or H14 PO. I checked my tracking sheet to see if the X had been crossed off, and indeed it had. Or so I thought. What I thought was a line through the X was actually... part of the X. Yeah. Looking back, I'd have gone with PO, though this sims best.
>Tom_Kowalik: GKLNO 14B KLONG +41 312
#note Tom tripled KLONG rather than doubling, so with his announced score of 55, this took the lead.
>Jack_Overby: ACDERRS 2I CARDERS +81 411
#note A massive blunder. I found SCARRED and CARDERS, but was unsure of the latter. Eventually I went for it. Tom held for a while, yet, surprisingly, decided to release. I figured with the game on the line, given he wasn't sure, he'd have to challenge, to give himself a chance to win. It was only a club game, with no official standings, so spread was immaterial. As it turns out, CARDERS is good, but good Lord... so is CLINE!!! Had I known that five, I could have slapped down SCARRED for 14 more points, and a total piece of mind. To play a bingo of which I was unsure, while the bingo I knew confidentally was just sitting there, waiting to be played for 14 more points... I really, REALLY need to review dem 5s (and 4s, and 3s, but hey).
>Tom_Kowalik: AEEORTX 3L AX +39 351
#note 11 off the extremely stylish 13G OXHEART 36.
>Jack_Overby: AFI 15A FA +21 432
#note Ugh, missed the ALIF spots. Goodbye, 31 spread points!
>Tom_Kowalik: EEORT 1M ROE +27 378
#note Tom misses his outplay of N2 RETORE 18. The endgame kings are putting on a clinic!
>Jack_Overby: I F3 .I +11 443
#note Best! I'm the best!
>Jack_Overby: (ET) +4 447
#note This was a very well played game by me up until CARDERS. From then on... butchery of the meatiest kind!