Player 1 |
#player1 James_Curley James Curley
#player2 JD JD
>James_Curley: HNOPSWY 8H PHONY +34 34
#note cheers to james for sharing his racks. POWNY looks like the play
>JD: EQTTTUW J6 QU.TE +36 36
>James_Curley: ?ABNOSW 10D cOWBAN.S +70 104
#note BOWSMAN is the lone 7
>JD: DELRTTW 11H WERT +40 76
#note saw PRATTLED also, this is the play tho
>James_Curley: AAEIIJO K4 AJI +31 135
#note AIA/APHONY to set up a J play is clever, albeit not necessarily a better play
>JD: CDLMTTT 4J M.TT +12 88
#note I played MATT because I wanted to make sure the top-right of the board stayed open (MATTE)
>James_Curley: AEEEIOZ 12D ZOEAE +37 172
>JD: CDDDILT E9 D.D. +12 100
#note yikes, this is not going well. I can score a lot more with DID at 13F, but at the cost of shutting down the bingo lane at the bottom, which would be bad news. at least after DODO I could pull DIALECT or DULCITE or DULOTIC or something.
>James_Curley: GIN 8H .....ING +51 223
>JD: CDHILTX 7M XI +36 136
#note this is a dubious play in spite of the points - if I play DIXIT instead, I keep open at least some possibility of drawing something like a massive -CHING bingo. I should not be blocking my pointiest lane to stay down 100 and hold CDHLT.
>James_Curley: EEEEOUY 13F EYE +28 251
#note who needs consonants when you can score and gum up the lanes??
>JD: CDHLORT 3I DOH +27 163
#note there are some interesting tries here - I can open other areas of the board with DOCU at 7G, or LOD at 14H. However the best try is probably fishing a D and shooting for CHORTLE and CALTHROP (13/52 shot). CALTHROP would be 98, well worth a go.
>James_Curley: EEILOUV N2 VLEI +21 272
#note another solid play. maybe LOVIE/AWEEL would be a little more impactful, but this is solid.
>JD: CLNRSST 13E S...N +16 179
#note as with XI, I got overly greedy for limited gain - this is a great time to exchange (keep NST with 4 Rs unseen). even with a great draw I probably don't bingo after this play!
>James_Curley: AELOOUU 14H LUAU +16 288
#note another good play, draining the bag of tiles
>JD: ACLRRST H5 CRA. +8 187
#note biggest error of the game - I forgot to check the CAZ/COZ/CUZ spot at row 11, where I could've played TRAD setting up STRAD! this is a lot worse. SCRAT/SCART are unplayable in my opinion because they leave me vulnerable to james blocking the only lane on the board at that point (row 2)
>James_Curley: EIIKLOO 5D OLEI. +14 302
>JD: ELRRRST F5 .RR +5 192
#note I could play GRRL, but I'd rather keep that lane available since it's relatively high-scoring
>James_Curley: AEEIKOT 4C KOA +20 322
>JD: AAMORSU (challenge) +5 273
>James_Curley: EEEFGIT 2D GIFTEE +21 343
#note I thought this was a great decision by James. He brings the end of the game closer and takes out the best lane. The only concern is that if I do bingo, it may well be for 100+ points, but if he plays GEIST or FEST on row 15, I can bingo much more easily and the game should be a tossup - or if I miss a bingo, I can fish with a play making CAZ/COZ/CUZ and permanently fork the board, hoping to eventually bingo out.
>JD: AAMORSU 1A MURA +25 298
#note this felt essentially like a forced move, but simming reveals some other options. the top play is OUMA at 1A, which also opens column A but leaves ARS, increasing my chances of hitting row 1. it also looks like there's a 14% chance of drawing a column A bingo with OUMA versus 12% with MURA, even though the M feels like a better tile to place at A1. I can also overlap AMOUR at 1D for a stylish but futile 45 points, or AMOURS for 7 more; AMOUR also goes down on row 7 to open a nice new bingo lane, but it would likely not score enough anyway.
>James_Curley: BCEFINN 1G IF +32 375
#note 3 bingos are threatened in the pool: MOVIOLAS, MISDOING and ISOGRIV. even after IF, it turns out that he almost always loses to the M- bingos, so he should be selling out to block those and tolerate the freak chance of ISOGRIV for 112. However, he has to be careful because I have some amusing wild sequences I can resort to - for instance, if he plays IN/UN/MI, I can fish the S at A3 and threaten MISDRIVING or MISDIALING to go out! probably the best block is EN/UN/ME saving FISC for next turn at row 15.
>JD: ?ADGOOS 5K .O +11 309
#note I need to fish for an M bingo on principle just in case he fails to block MEGADOSE or MANGOLDS (although he can outrun both anyway).
>James_Curley: BCEINNV 15L VI.E +33 408
>JD: ?ADGIOS 2A AG +16 325
#note I could slow-play, except that I was already 3 minutes over : (
>James_Curley: BCNN 13M C.B +14 422
>JD: ?DIOS O3 IDOl +21 346
#note this is actually best
>James_Curley: NN F12 ..N +5 427
#note QIN/TON
>JD: S 2D ......S +20 366
#note -30
>JD: (N) +2 368