Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Josh Josh
>Mack: ADDEENU H7 UNDEAD +20 20
>Josh: AEGIMRT 11E GEM.TRIA +94 94
>Mack: AEEHNOT 9E HEA.NOTE +64 84
>Josh: AEILOPV 8L PAVE +43 137
>Mack: ?ACDEFM 12K DECAF +37 121
>Josh: GILNNOP 8A PINGO +35 172
>Mack: ?AFHLMS B7 F.SHMeAL +96 217
>Josh: ?LNQTUV N10 QU.NT +68 240
>Mack: CEEIOTU O12 .EET +25 242
#note This rack really puzzled me. I hated this, but was pretty worried about a big play in row 15 and figured this scores the most and CIOU would sometimes be salvageable. But J5 ECOTOUR, which I missed, looks smarter to go for more turnover for SSS? or one of the As for QUANTS. I also debated M12 CUE, but CEIOT wasn't the most appetizing leave on this board either and I don't have a hook for CUE.
>Josh: ?ELNTVZ A13 LEZ +40 280
>Mack: BCILOOU 7K LOB +20 262
#note Chickened out on J4 BICOLOUR thinking it was only BICOLOR, but that's clearly best. This does have the advantage of setting up an S hook that may be hard for Josh to address later on, but CIOU is just too bad. Definitely a mistake.
>Josh: ?INRRTV O2 INVeRT.R +64 344
>Mack: CEIIOOU 6L COI. +21 283
#note Need to score to stay within a bingo, hence this over exchanging, plus the SCOPE hook is fairly hard to block. I need to play as if I'm going to draw an S quickly, I'm not winning anyway unless I get (very) lucky.
>Josh: ADEITUX G2 ADIEUX +41 385
>Mack: EIOORSU C8 .OO +12 295
#note Or 12G UDO - EIURS actually seemed to have better potential to hit a monster -EST bingo on row 15 which I figured I'd need to have a chance (BURRIEST, SURLIEST, etc)
>Josh: AGIOSST 5E AG.ISTS +32 417
>Mack: EEIORSU 12G U.O +10 305
#note Now I need something even bigger - this is basically an all-out fish for JERKIEST for 125. Not every day you make a bingo fish hoping to pull JK out of the bag...
>Josh: BJORRWY 4A WORRY +35 452
>Mack: EEIIRSY F2 YE +29 334
#note Nothing worth fishing for here, time to throw in the towel and cut a little spread.
>Josh: ABIJKLN 15L BLA. +24 476
#note Nice endgame by Josh, blocking my out of WIRIEST and saving JINK/JINKS in two spots. This is best by a lot.
>Mack: EIIRSW J2 WRI.E +18 352
#note Put the S on it, silly... in fairness though I was down to 6 seconds on my clock before I played this.
>Josh: IJKN 1C JINK +26 502
>Josh: (IS) +4 506
Player 2
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